
摘 要
After 20 years of development efforts, China's dairy industry has become a huge potential market with green sunrise industry. With the development of social economy and the improvement of people's living standard, people demand more and more dairy products. Cold chain logistics is an important branch of the logistics industry, its development is directly related to the safety of people's life and quality of life. Cold chain logistics of fermented milk as the main part of the dairy industry, dairy industry development in China is of great significance, therefore, cold chain logistics present situation and quality of Chinese fermented dairy products research and analysis is extremely important theoretical value and practical significance.
This paper firstly introduces the background and significance of the study, and review the related literature research at home and abroad, then introduces the method of the content of this study, then summarizes the related theories; cold chain logistics, including the theory of modern logistics and the basic concept, the concept and the classification of cold chain logistics, characteristics of cold chain logistics, constitute the operational objectives of cold chain logistics and cold chain logistics system of our country; fermented dairy product cold chain logistics development situation investigation, cold chain mode of Chinese fermented dairy products conducted a survey analysis; thus found out I of fermented dairy product cold chain logistics problems and then design the important index, changes of experimental measure of product storage time in different nodes under different temperature, the cold chain of different does affect the acidity, pH, lactic acid bacteria, texture index. [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Key words:Fermented milk, dairy products, cold chain logistics, quality
目 录
我国发酵乳制品的冷链现状调研及品质分析 1
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
第一章 绪论 6
1.1研究背景 6
1.2相关研究进展 7
1.2.1 发酵乳制品的研究进展 7
1.2.2 冷链的研究进展 10
1.2.3 发酵乳制品的冷链应用研究进展 13
1.3研究意义和目的 15
1.3.1实践意义 15
1.3.2理论意义 15
1.4研究方法 16
1.4.1实地调查法 16
1.4.2文献综述法 16
1.4.3归纳总结法 16
第二章国内外发酵乳制品行业的冷链现状问题分析 18
2.1乳制品企业发展冷链物流的必要性分析 18
2.1.1商家对乳制品温度要求越来越高 19 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
2.1.2冷链是产品质量的保证 19
2.1.3冷链是市场范围扩大的需要 20
2.2乳制品冷链物流的现状 20
2.2.1我国乳制品冷链物流的水品参差不齐,地区间差异较大 21
2.2.2我国乳制品冷链物流的发展与当地的经济发展水平息息相关 21
2.2.3冷链发展状况与乳制品企业规模息息相关 22
2.3我国发酵乳制品冷链物流存在问题 23
2.3.1乳制品“断链”问题严重 23
2.3.2乳制品冷链物流温控手段差 24
2.3.3第三方乳制品冷链物流企业发展缓慢 24
2.3.4从业人员素质不高,安全意识不强,思想麻痹大意 24
2.3.5乳制品冷链行业缺乏统一标准 25
2.3.6冷链物流信息技术滞后 25
2.4我国发展乳制品冷链物流的制约因素 25
2.4.1国家政策 26
2.4.2乳制品企业 26
2.4.3冷链物流企业 27 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
2.4.4消费群体方面认识和意识 27
第三章 发酵乳制品不同冷链环境下的质量变化 28
3.1不同冷链环境下发酵乳制品的结构变化 28
3.1.1冷链温度对发酵乳制品硬度的影响 29
3.1.2冷链温度对发酵乳制品稠度的影响 30
3.1.3冷链温度对发酵乳制品内聚性的影响 31
3.1.4冷链温度对发酵乳制品胶黏性的影响 32
3.2不同冷链环境下发酵乳制品的理化指标变化 32
3.2.1冷链温度对发酵乳制品酸度的影响 32
3.2.2冷链温度对发酵乳制品PH的影响 33
3.2.3冷链温度对发酵乳制品乳酸菌活性的影响 34
3.3不同冷链环境下发酵乳制品的微生物指标变化 36
3.4不同冷链环境下发酵乳制品的质量变化总结 37
第四章 研究结论及进一步展望 38
4.1研究结论 38
4.2进一步展望 38
致谢 39
参考文献 40
下一篇:哈曼公司PULSE 3项目风险管理研究(MBA硕士)