
Research on Processing Techniques And Skew Detection of Text image
本文首先介绍了文本图像倾斜检测技术的研究背景及意义、国内外研究历史及现状以及文本图像处理技术,文本图像处理技术主要为图像二值化、图像的降噪、图像的倾斜检测矫正以及图像的旋转等。图像的二值化方法主要包括全局阈值法和局部阈值法;图像的降噪方法主要分为图像空间域降噪法和图像变换域降噪法等。总结了目前经典的文本图像倾斜检测算法,通过对几种经典文本图像倾斜检测算法以及算法的适用范围及优缺点,如基于投影的文本图像倾斜检测方法、基于霍夫变换的文本图像倾斜检测方法、基于Fourier变换的文本图像倾斜检测方法、基于交叉相关性的文本图像倾斜检测方法以及基于 -近邻的文本图像倾斜检测方法等,提出了一种快速文档图像倾斜角计算方法。具体工作如下:
关键词: 文本图像;图像二值化;图像降噪; 倾斜角检测;图像分割
With the development of computer and scanning equipment, electronic files gradually replace the text file. When scanning equipments convert paper documents into text image, text image appears inclined to varying degrees, is not conducive to the subsequent text of image processing, the resulting text image tilt detection technology. Text image tilt detection technology is an important part of the text image processing technology, is further image analysis, recognition of the foundation.
This paper first introduces the research background and significance, document image skew detection technology at home and abroad on history and status of text and image processing technology, image processing technology is the main text two value of the image noise reduction, image skew detection, image correction and image rotation etc. The value of the two methods of image includes global threshold and local threshold method; image denoising methods are mainly divided into the space domain image denoising method and image transform domain denoising method etc. Summarize the current classical document image skew detection algorithm, based on several classic document skew detection algorithm and the algorithm's advantages and disadvantages, such as based on the projection of text image skew detection method based on Hof transform, document skew detection method, based on Fourier transform document skew detection method, based on cross correlation of text image skew detection method based on K nearest neighbor text and image skew detection method, this paper proposed a fast document image tilt angle calculation method. The specific work is as follows:
According to estimates of the line features document image tilt angle, first calculate the horizontal gradient image of the image, according to the gradient of a line of text character regions merged to obtain a valid text line by simple non-text area filter, tilt angle and finally the statistical characteristics of a line of text tilt angle of the image and gives the implementation of the algorithm. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has higher accuracy and less computational complexity and high stability, can be used for real-time image processing applications.
Based on the digital image recognition system, the reliability of the recognition is closely related to the quality of the image data. So in most real-time image processing document, you need to quickly and accurately determine the tilt angle of the image, in order to improve the document information collection, input accuracy, and reduce rejection rates, improve reliability and adaptability of the system. Therefore, based on the study of the nature of the document image tilt correction to better reflect the contents of the issue, and has important significance in the document image processing.
Keywords:Text image;Image binarization;Image Denoising;skew detection;Image segmentation
摘要 I
Research on Processing Techniques And Skew Detection of Text image II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究历史及现状 1
1.3 本文的主要工作和创新点 3
1.4 论文的组织结构 4
第二章 文本图像处理技术研究综述 5
2.1 文本图像的二值化 5
2.1.1 全局阈值法 6
2.1.2 局部阈值法 8
2.2 文本图像降噪 9
2.2.1 文本图像噪声种类 9
2.2.2 图像空间域降噪方法 10
2.2.3 图像变换域降噪法 10
2.2.4 边界噪声降噪 12
2.3 图像倾斜检测 12
2.4 图像倾斜纠正 13
2.5 本章小结 13
第三章 文本图像倾斜检测算法研究综述 15
3.1基于投影的图像倾斜检测算法 15
3.2基于Hough变换的图像倾斜检测算法 16
3.3基于Fourier 变换的图像倾斜检测算法 18
3.4基于交叉相关性的图像倾斜检测算法 19
3.5基于 -近邻的图像倾斜检测算法 21
3.6本章小结 21
第四章 一种快速文本图像倾斜角检测算法 23
4.1 文本区行线特征提取 23
4.1.1 文本行的特点 23
4.1.2 文本行块的计算方法 23
4.1.3 文本行线的抽取 25
4.2 倾斜角度的估计方法 25
4.2.1 行线角度的确定 25
4.2.2 倾斜角度的计算方法 26
4.2.3 算法实现过程 26
4.3实验结果及其分析 27
4.4本章小结 28
第五章 图像分割算法综述 29
5.1 基于边缘检测的图像分割算法 29
5.1.1 基于拉普拉斯算子的图像边缘检测算法 30
5.1.2 基于Sobel算子的图像边缘检测算法 30
5.1.3 基于Roberts 算子的图像边缘检测算法 31
5.1.4 基于Prewitt 算子的图像边缘检测算法 31
5.1.5 基于Canny算子的图像边缘检测算法 32
5.2 基于阈值的图像分割算法 32
5.3 基于区域的图像分割方法 32
5.4 本章结论 33
第六章 总结与展望 34
6.1 研究内容总结 34
6.2 下一步工作 34
参考文献 36
致谢 40