
摘 要
Floating mortgage system is an important part of real rights for security system, providing a new way for the debtor to obtain loan. But since the implementation of property law, this system has not been widely applied. Floating mortgager is one of the elements of the floating mortgage legal relationship and the qualification of floating mortgager is the key to solve the floating mortgage problems. Research on the floating mortgager’s qualification has both theoretically and practically meanings.
This article is divided into introduction, body and conclusion three parts.
In the first part, this article points out that the debtor has used floating mortgage system, but the application is not too much. Some scholars advocate limiting the qualification of floating mortgager so that it could eliminate worries of the creditor, and the floating mortgage system will be widely used. This part questions the view, and briefly introduces the research methods and innovation of this article. [资料来源:Doc163.com]
In the second part, this article introduces the concept of qualification and current legislation, then discuss the necessity of enlarging the qualification of floating mortgager. On the one hand, enlarge the qualification of floating mortgager is the inevitable trend in the development, on the other hand there are also many benefits.
In the third part, this article gives some suggestions in three aspects. The law should be appropriate to relax the limitation on the qualification of floating mortgager in our country. The creditor should specify the standard of floating mortgager’s qualification. The society and other aspects should strengthen some supporting systems. Only in this way can make the floating system being more widely used.
KEY WORDS: floating mortgager qualification guarantee
目 录
摘 要 1
目 录 1
引 言 1 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
(一)问题的引出 1
(二)研究方法及创新之处 2
一、对限制浮动抵押人资格主张的反驳 4
(一)浮动抵押人资格概述与立法现状分析 4
1.浮动抵押人资格的概念与属性 4
2.法律规定及立法目的 5
(二)关于限制浮动抵押人资格的几种学说及评价 7
1.限定为股份有限公司 7
2.限定为股份有限公司和国有独资公司 8
3.限定为公司法人 9
4.限定为所有企业 10
5.限定为所有经营主体 10
(三)限制浮动抵押人资格的有利之处与存在的问题分析 11
1.有利之处 11
2.存在的问题 12
二、放宽浮动抵押人资格的必要性分析 15
(一)域外规定对我国的启示 15
1.域外关于浮动抵押人资格的规定 15
2.域外规定的评价及对我国的启示 19 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
(二)放宽浮动抵押人资格的意义 20
1.增强浮动抵押制度适用的灵活性 21
2.有利于担保物权功能的发挥 21
3.尊重债权人的意思自治和选择权 23
4.体现民事主体的平等原则 23
5.实现浮动抵押人融资利益与债权人担保利益的共赢 24
6.符合浮动抵押制度的发展趋势 25
三、对完善我国浮动抵押人资格规定的具体建议 26
(一)法律——适当放宽对浮动抵押人资格的规定 26
(二)债权人——明确选择浮动抵押人资格的标准 27
1.现有的几种标准分析 27
2.明确综合标准 31
(三)社会——完善相关配套制度 31
1.健全信用管理制度 31
2.扩大财务信息披露制度的适用范围 32
3.建立多元化融资保障体系 33
结 论 34
参考文献 35
致谢 39