
Research and future prospect of present situation of internet home decoration industry in China
摘 要
关键词:互联网 家装 O2O 现状研究 未来展望
Traditional home decoration industry's old ecological environment has been caught in a terrible cycle. On the one hand, consumers of a decoration company is full of distrust and Always beware of; on the other hand, a lower price competition is the only way for decoration companies, constantly responded with lower price in order to attract consumers, and designers become draftsmen further stimulate the grey interests chain, rack one's brains from consumers to squeeze more profit. In this business model, the high cost of market transactions is difficult to continue, the entire industry has reached a point of unsustainable. Can’t be avoided, the traditional home decoration industry has become the next station what the Internet about to subvert.
The reason that the mode of traditional home decoration has so many loopholes and shortcomings, gives the Internet home decoration companies a great opportunity for development. In the Internet environment, the Internet O2O home decoration platform emerged as the times require and gradually occupied the whole market. This which for all kinds of consumer groups of the Internet home decoration platform with its low-cost, transparent, fast characteristics quickly captured a large number of consumers, in the Internet era, the transparency of home decoration products for the first time in front of consumers.
Internet decoration O2O platform is under the background of “Internet +”, with Internet thinking and Internet tools, solve the existing problems of traditional decoration business, get through the intermediary, the channel and the standardization, optimization and integration of the decoration industry chain, to subvert the customer experience of traditional decoration business, making home decoration become more simple, more transparent, more rest assured, less worry, more refined price higher.
Various types of platforms have sprung up, subverting the traditional home decoration industry in all aspects of the various aspects. When the wind goes down, how to continue to fly up, how to continue to survive in this market, is the current need to seriously considering and the difficult problem to solve of every internet home decoration company. And with the Internet technology, technology of Internet of things, smart home and other industries continue to update, the future of the Internet industry will be how to move forward is another focus of this paper to be discussed in the second part of the paper.
Including in this paper, the basic ideas and methods at the present stage various types of Internet decoration platform of our country classify, research and analysis of their advantages and disadvantages, its business model is sustainable development or not, and finally puts forward specific opinions and suggestions, and gives the future of Internet decoration development directions and possibilities.
Mainly divided into two parts altogether four chapters, the first part is the introduction, introduces the birth of the Internet home decoration industry, background and market environment; the second part is the main part of the paper, including how to subvert the traditional home decoration industry, Internet home improvement, and the future development trend in three chapters.
As the Internet home decoration this year began to emerge, the domestic industry is just beginning, research on Internet home decoration in domestic and international at present is still relatively rare, for reference and research the case and related data are still very limited. Hope to use the more limited literature and cases, the current stage of the Internet home decoration for a more comprehensive analysis, and put forward a more feasible method, to give a more certain future development prospects. [资料来源:Doc163.com]
KEYWORDS:Internet home decoration O2O present situation research
future prospect
目 录
第一章 引 言 1
第一节 互联网家装诞生背景 1
一、传统行业背景 1
二、互联网行业背景 1
三、O2O的本质和运作模式 3
第二节 研究思路与方法 4
第二章 “家装+互联网”如何改变传统装修 6
第一节 流程更加透明化,装修更加标准化 6
第二节 打破信息不对称,去中介化 7
第三节 改变设计师靠回扣生存的现状,打造设计师品牌 8
第四节 家装“支付宝”模式更大地保障消费者权益 9
第五节 更靠谱的家居软装消费 9
第六节 一站式解决方案 10
第七节 装修公司或将变为施工服务提供商 11
第八节 互联网家装真的在“网”上就能实现 11
一、确定装修风格 12
二、选择装修公司的设计师,或对心怡的设计师进行网上竞标 13
三、选择建材网络平台进行建材选购 13
四、装修期间用移动互联进行网络监工 13
的方案 14
六、售后服务、售后评价与事后监督 14
第三章 我国现阶段互联网家装主要商业模式 16
第一节 知名电商大平台,24小时大型线上超市 16
第二节 定制企业,家居整合平台 18
第三节 大家居材料商,横向触网 19
第四节 传统大型家装公司,专业程度无可匹敌 20
第五节 家装推荐平台,百花齐放各有所长 21
第六节 跨界整合商,跨界思维异军突起 23
第七节 大型垂直类平台,真正的家装一站式 25 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
第八节 地产巨头触网家装,把业主的钱再赚一遍 26
第九节 线上线下实体店连锁 “一体两翼”大战略 28
第十节 家装设计平台 以“设计”为轴 29
第四章 互联网家装行业未来展望 31
第一节 未来互联网家装或将由一家或几家巨头企业垄断 31
第二节 互联网+物联网 34
一、物联网的发展状况 34
二、物联网的未来想象空间到底有多大? 35
三、互联网和物联网需要创新设计 35
第三节 互联网家装与智能家居 36
一、智能家居的发展状况 36
二、智能家居的未来前景 36
三、智能家居与“互联网+” 37
四、互联网家装是智能家居的最理想切入口 37
第四节 免费——家装的未来商业模式 41
一、免费商业模式的理论基础 41
二、国外免费商业模式的成功案例 43
三、免费的互联网家装 47
参考文献 49
致 谢 52