
摘 要
The development of green building is an important way to transform the city construction and life style. It is an important way to improve the urban and rural construction from extensive to fine, from heavy to heavy efficiency, and is the only way to improve the quality and service life, save energy resources, improve the environment and accelerate the construction of eco city. To carry out green building operations, the development of large-scale green building, to strengthen the construction of new energy-efficient construction, and promote the construction of energy-saving, and vigorously promote the use of renewable energy, promote the intensive use of construction resources, improve the safety, comfort and health, to crack energy resources bottleneck constraints, improve the living conditions of the masses, foster energy conservation, new energy and other strategic emerging industries, has a very important significance and role. [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
And the quality of the engineering project, is the key to the success of the construction project. Strengthen management, guarantee the quality, to achieve the expectations of investors. Project construction to participate in more, their own interests are also related to the quality of the project, if the quality of the project is not good, not only to investors to bring losses, resulting in loss of social loss, but also to the parties to bring benefits and reputation loss. Therefore, the engineering project participants must attach great importance to and strengthen the quality management of the project. Project construction involves the national and social aspects, the project quality is good, it will make the country to enhance economic strength, but also to the people's lives to bring benefits and benefits. Poor quality, it will bring a lot of loss of resources, and even to the community to bring pollution, explosion, fire, radiation and other catastrophic consequences. Therefore, to improve the quality management of engineering projects is the responsibility of the project management to the state and society. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
This paper elaborates the historical development of the be concise and to the point of construction project management, quality management and historical background. According to the development and application of green building in China, a series of problems occurred in the construction project of green construction projects are analyzed and compared with the field survey of the commercial center project. Using the principle of PDCA cycle, total quality management, simulation method, combined with case analysis to study the impact of project green building function to achieve the quality factor, and proposed countermeasures to improve and improve quality.
Key words: construction project, green building, quality management
第一章 前 言 - 6 -
1.1 课题的调研背景 - 6 -
1.1.1 绿色建筑的发展历史 - 6 -
1.1.2 绿色建筑的目前现状 - 7 -
1.1.3 绿色建筑指导思想和基本原则 - 7 - [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
1.1.4 绿色建筑的主要目标 - 8 -
1.1.5 绿色建筑的发展趋势 - 8 -
1.2 课题研究的目的和范围 - 8 -
1.2.1 课题研究目的 - 8 -
1.2.1 课题研究的范围 - 8 -
1.3 论文研究方法 - 9 -
1.4 论文主要内容和结构 - 9 -
第二章 绿色建筑质量管理概述 - 11 -
2.1绿色建筑的概念 - 11 -
2.2工程项目质量管理的概念 - 11 -
2.2.1 质量的基本定义 - 11 -
2.2.2 建设工程项目质量 - 11 -
2.2.3 质量管理和工程项目质量管理 - 11 -
2.2.4 质量控制和工程项目质量控制 - 11 -
2.2.5 工程项目质量管理的基本原则 - 12 -
2.3质量管理的国内外发展和现状 - 13 -
2.3.1 质量管理国外发展和现状 - 13 -
2.3.2 质量管理国内发展和现状 - 14 -
2.4工程项目质量管理的特征 - 14 -
2.4.1反映使用功能的质量特性 - 14 -
2.4.2反映安全可靠性的质量特性 - 14 -
2.4.3反映文化艺术的质量特性 - 14 -
2.4.4反映建筑环境的质量特性 - 14 -
2.5项目质量管理的目标与实现 - 15 -
2.5.1绿色建筑质量目标的定义 - 15 -
2.5.2绿色建筑质量目标的实现 - 15 -
2.6质量管理的影响因素 - 15 -
2.6.1人的因素 - 16 -
2.6.2技术因素 - 16 -
2.6.3管理因素 - 16 -
2.6.4环境因素 - 16 -
2.6.5社会因素 - 17 -
2.7质量管理的主要方法 - 17 -
2.7.1全面质量管理(TQC)的思想 - 17 -
2.7.2 PDCA循环控制法 - 18 -
2.7.3 因果分析法 - 19 -
第三章 项目绿色建筑质量管理现状 - 21 -
3.1工程项目简介 - 21 -
3.1.1沃隆圣达项目概况 - 21 -
3.2项目绿色建筑主要特征 - 21 -
3.2.1土建部分特点 - 21 -
3.2.2建筑给水、排水及采暖工程特点 - 21 -
3.2.3建筑电气工程特点 - 22 -
3.3项目绿色建筑施工的重点和难点 - 23 -
3.4项目绿色建筑质量管理现状 - 23 -
3.4.1质量管理组织体系不健全 - 23 -
3.4.2管理管理控制差 - 23 -
3.4.3原材料把关不严 - 24 -
3.4.4能源管理重视程度不足 - 24 -
3.4.5 施工过程存在污染现象 - 24 -
3.5项目质量管理问题分析 - 24 -
第四章 绿色建筑质量管理应对策略 - 26 -
4.1完善质量管理体系和职责 - 26 -
4.1.1组织管理体系的设置原则 - 26 -
4.1.2组织管理体系的建立 - 26 - [资料来源:Doc163.com]
4.1.3岗位职责的明确 - 27 -
4.2 强化项目各层质量管理意识 - 28 -
4.2.1实行质量负责制度 - 29 -
4.2.2 质量量化考核评比 - 29 -
4.2.3 坚持质量技术交底制度 - 29 -
4.2.4 加强原材料质量控制 - 31 -
4.3 设置质量管理控制点 - 32 -
4.3.1 测量放线 - 33 -
4.3.2 模板工程 - 33 -
4.3.3 钢筋工程 - 34 -
4.3.4 混凝土工程 - 34 -
4.3.5 砌体工程 - 35 -
4.3.6 防水工程 - 35 -
4.3.7 门窗工程 - 36 -
4.3.8 室外绿化道路 - 36 -
4.4 完善项目环境保护管理措施 - 36 -
4.4.1 污水排放管理控制措施 - 37 -
4.4.2 大气污染防治管理措施 - 37 -
4.4.3 噪声污染防治管理措施 - 38 -
4.4.4 固体废弃物防治管理措施 - 38 - [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
4.5项目质量实施管理后效果 - 38 -
第五章 结论和展望 - 40 -
5.1 结论 - 40 -
5.2 展望 - 40 -
致谢 - 41 -
参考文献 - 42 -