
Research on the Cost Control of the Real Estate Project in the Contemporary and Environmental Real Estate
摘 要
本文基于文献分析法、实证分析法及理论探究法以某房地产项目成本控制为研究对象,分析某房地产项目成本控制的影响因素,探究项目成本控制的实施措施。首先,对现有的研究资料以及研究结果进行总结。在充分的了解前人的研究进展的基础上对房地产企业成本控制,尤其是项目执行过程中的成本控制提供理论基础以及研究的必要性;结合某房地产项目的实际展开实证研究。在实证研究的过程中以某房地产项目为研究对象,对目前其使用的成本管理体系现状以及存在问题进行分析与总结。并结合成本控制的基本理论分析某房地产项目成本控制的影响因素;以实证研究结果和项目成本控制影响因素为基础,构建相应的成本管控体系。建立全新的成本管理框架,并向此项目以及类似的房地产项目推广。某房地产项目的成本控制具有一定的工作难度,成本控制工作是房地产项目顺利、高质高效进行的基础。 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
关键词:房地产 建设项目 全过程管理 成本 控制
Domestic construction enterprises in the project cost control is not good enough, the management is still in an extensive, empirical level, there is a cost management positioning is unclear, responsibilities, management procedures and links, management method is not scientific, and many other questions, which seriously affect the competitiveness of enterprises and development space. In this paper, we try to apply the idea of cost optimization and management to the project cost management to explore a scientific and reasonable construction project cost optimization and control management system.
Based on literature analysis, empirical analysis and theoretical research, this paper analyzes the factors affecting the cost control of the real estate project, and explores the implementation measures of project cost control. First, the existing research data and research results are summarized. In the full understanding of the progress of the research on the basis of the real estate enterprise cost control, in particular the project implementation process of the cost control to provide the theoretical basis and the necessity of the study, combined with the actual situation of the real estate project to expand the empirical research. In the process of empirical research, the present situation of the real estate project is the research object, and the current situation of the cost management system and the existing problems are analyzed and summarized. And combined with the basic theory of cost control analysis of the factors affecting the cost control of the real estate project in the contemporary. Establish a new cost management framework, and to promote the project and similar real estate projects.
Through the study of this article think that a real estate project task facing difficult and heavy than other project, it's for a real estate project cost control work brings huge difficulty, progress has also become a real estate project cost control, the core content of high quality and efficiency to complete.
Key words: Real estate Construction project Whole process management Cost Control
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2国内外研究综述 2
1.3研究内容与研究方法 4
2 房地产项目成本控制相关理论 6
2.1房地产项目成本控制概述 6
2.1.2项目各阶段的成本控制 7
2.2房地产项目成本控制方法 8
3 某房地产项目的成本控制概况 11
3.1项目的主要介绍 11
3.2项目成本控制的现状 12
3.3项目成本管理的问题 14
4 某房地产项目成本控制分析 20
4.1项目成本控制影响因素分析 20
4.2项目成本测度与控制的偏差分析 31
4.3项目成本控制的主要对策 34
5 结论与展望 39
5.1结论 39
5.2展望 39
致 谢 41
参考文献 42