
摘 要
人力资源管理系统不同于一般的web系统,其设计核心在于业务流程,换言之只要整个业务流程能够完全的体现,那么系统就将成功一半。所以在开发的时候首先需要明确清晰的业务流程,因为整个业务最终都需要在一个工作流引擎中模拟完成的。只有明确这个流程才能很好的开展后续工作。其次要明确每个工作流上面的业务模块,即每个业务模块所面对的对象,这些对象所需要开展的工作。完成这两部分之后就可以开始实施架构体系设计了。作为人力资源管理系统,架构设计的核心在于很好的体现软件平台的扩展性,众所周知该系统核心是业务流程,换言之其业务随着工作变化也会不断地推进,因此如何设计一个开放的结构,能够实时的适应业务变化就非常重要。只有耐心细致的完成上述工作之后我们才可以开始编码了。当前除了前期的仔细调研之外在整个软件的技术上我们也采取了一些新的思路和方法,比较具有典型意义的就是我们分别采用了缓存技术和新颖的备份技术,因为这两个技术是整个软件成败的关键,前者决定了一个软件的访问速度后者决定了一个软件数据的安全性,因而本次开发中我们使用了这些技术。最终也希望通过这些技术的引入使得大家对于软件发展有一个全新的认识。 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
Design and Implementation of Human Resource Management System of Shanghai Telecom
There's been an increasingly high demand for an efficient HR managements system over the years and it’s going to continue moving forward. The methodology being used has evolved from simple headcount in the early days to a fully integrated assessment throughout an employment. Therefore, a comprehensive system is critical to improving your HR workflow.
Human resources management system is different from the general web system, the core of the design is the operation flow, in other words as long as the entire operation flow can be fully reflected, then the system will succeed in half. So the first need when in the development is to clear the whole operation flow, because the whole operation flow eventually need to simulate the complete in a workflow engine. Only clear that this process will be very good for the following work. Secondly to define each operation module workflow above, each objects of operation module, and these objects need to work. After completion of this two part then we can start implementing architecture design. As the human resources management system, architecture design is the core of the expansion of the embodiment of good software platform, as everyone knows the core of the system is the operation process, in other words its operation with the work of change will continue to improve, so how to design an open structure, timely to adapt to operation change is very important. Only after the patient and meticulous to complete the work above we can start coding. [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
This system is convenient for operation, for better adaption to the future development, using the B/S architecture, the model can well adapt to various changes in the environment. On the basis of B/S. We focus on the study of the human resource management system of the two iteration of the development requirements, to tease out the operation demand framework clear, argument. Finally, aiming at some practical operation that users care more about, such as the quick access to information and system backup we also separately discussed and illustrated, finally completed the whole paper.
Key Words: Human Resource Management System; B/S; Architecture ; Operation Flow; Web System
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1 本系统的开发背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 河北联通人力资源管理系统现状分析与研究 2 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
2 相关技术和工具介绍 4
2.1 .Net 4
2.2 SQL Server 4
2.3 B/S结构 5
2.4 ASPX 5
2.5 Visual Studio 2010 6
3 系统需求分析 7
3.1 功能需求 7
3.1.1 系统建设目标 7
3.1.2 角色分析 8
3.1.3 功能分析 10
3.2 主要功能模块描述 11
3.2.1 概述 11
3.2.2 GS考核模块: 11
3.2.3 岗位说明书聘任模块 11
3.2.4 优秀人才考核模块 12
3.2.5 员工带教模块 12
3.2.6 三级经理能力素质测评模块 12
3.2.7 岗位需求模块 12
3.3 非功能需求 13
3.3.1 服务器性能需求 13 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
3.3.2 存储容量需求 13
3.3.3 软件配置要求 14
4 系统设计 15
4.1 系统总体设计 15
4.1.1 系统整体说明 15
4.1.2 系统整体功能说明 16
4.1.3 系统架构设计思想 18
4.1.4 系统架构设计拓扑 19
4.2 系统详细设计 20
4.2.1 系统模块设计和划分 20
4.2.2 GS考核模块 22
4.2.3 岗位说明书聘任模块 23
4.2.4 员工带教模块 24
4.2.5 三级经理能力素质测评 24
4.3 数据库表设计 25
4.3.1 GS考核信息表 25
4.3.2 岗位说明书聘任表 26
4.3.3 优秀人才考核表 27
4.3.4 员工带教表 27 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
4.3.5 三级经理能力素质测评表 28
4.3.6 岗位需求模块表 29
5 系统实现 30
5.1 GS考核模块 30
5.1.1 GS考核模块概述 30
5.1.2 实现用户数据备份 31
5.2 岗位说明书聘任模块 35
5.3 优秀人才考核模块 36
5.3.1 优秀人才模块概述 36
5.3.2 优秀人才模块高速读取策略 37
5.4 三级经理能力素质测评 39
6 软件测试 41
6.1 硬件配置 41
6.2 软件配置 41
6.3 验收功能范围 42
6.4 验收策略 43
6.5 功能验收 43
6.6 通过标准 44
6.7 验收资源 44
6.8 验收总结 44
结 论 46 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
参 考 文 献 47
致 谢 48 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]