
摘 要
基于 WIFI技术的井下人员定位系统是以WIFI通信技术为定位技术和传输媒介,以井下定位管理系统为监测管理平台的矿井集成管理应用系统。通过规划井下信息管理网络部署井下定位系统硬件,开发井下定位管理系统,从而完成可以实现井下人员和设备位置定位的数据获取、应用及管理。
1) 认真研究WIFI技术与 ZigBee、RFID、 UWB 三种井下无线定位技术之间的区别,肯定了利用WIFI技术在实现井下人员定位系统的优势。
2)在进行全面调研和实验的基础上 ,按照矿井工程理论和特点,对基于 WIFI技术的井下人员定位系统进行了总体设计、网络部署和功能设计。
3) 在对WIFI无线网络先进性、中国开采工作高危险性、煤炭资源丰富性、井下人员定位系统功能不足性分析研究的基础上,提出基于WIFI这一技术的井下人员定位系统。 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
4) 在分析常用的非基于测距和基于测距的定位算法的基础上,本文提出了一种基于RSSI的改进Freudian精确定位算法和一种简单的井下快速定位算法,并在两种定位算法的基础上给出井下位置定位方略。
5) 结合矿井生产管理实际需求,基于Hanukkah定位系统,对本文研究的系统进行开发设计,提出了四个各自独立且相互调用的子系统。
6) 在经过多次总结和实验研究的前提下,完成定位数据的采集与传输、解析与处理,完善相关定位流程。并通过实验环境仿真,完成定位策略测试和定位系统运行。
关键词:WIFI,人员定位 ,煤矿
The Underground Personnel Positioning System based on WIFI technology is a
mine integrated management applications system which use WIFI communication
technology for positioning technology and transmission medium, and its monitoring and management platform is based on the down hole positioning management system. By planning the underground network, deploying the hardware of underground positioning system, and developing the down hole positioning management system, we are able to acquire ,manage or apply the data from the positioning of down hole person and equipment This study analyzed and summarized the previous researches about down hole positioning system deeply, did a detailed survey and evaluation about positioning system which has been applied to mine, and a comprehensive study and explore about the theory and application contained in this system. Subsequently, we came up with the design and mine application instance for it. The papers mainly includes the following aspects:
1) Discussed in detail about the characteristics of WIFI technology, and on the basis of comparison with RFID, ZigBee, UWB three underground wireless location technology, we admitted the advantage of using WIFI technology.
2) Based on the researches about the abundance of Chinese coal resources,
high risk of mining work, insufficiency of function of underground personnel positioning system, and the advancement of WIFI wireless network, we brought up a underground personnel positioning system based on WIFI technology.
3) In the analysis of common positioning algorithm which is based on ranging or non-ranging technology, this paper presented a precise positioning algorithm which based on the RSSI and improved Freudian. It also presented a simple and rapid underground positioning algorithm. In conclusion, we came up with the down hole positioning strategy, combined with two positioning algorithm。
4) On the basis of the detailed experiments and researches, and according to the mine characteristics and engineering theory, we did the overall design, network and functional design of underground personnel positioning system based on WIFI technology.
5) Combined with mine production management needs, and based on Hanukkah
Positioning system, we developed and designed the Underground personnel positioning system which is mentioned above, meanwhile, gave four separated and
interactive subsystem.
6) Under the premise of experiments and researches, we accomplished the collection, transmission, analyzing and processing of the positioning data, and improve the positioning process. We also achieved the operation of the positioning system and the testing of positioning strategy under the simulation of experimental environment.
7) On the relevant theoretical and experimental foundation, we completed the coal mine positioning system network planning, hardware selection and positioning management system designing through the analysis of the characteristics of Jingle coal mining and coal mine production management needs.
With the rapid development of wireless location technology, wireless network, computer, automation and intelligent systems, the accuracy, stability and reliability of underground personnel positioning system which based on wireless technology will increase gradually, and the system functions will near perfection. Underground personnel positioning system based on WIFI technology has incomparable advantages
over traditional underground positioning system, and application value of Mufti-technology integration.
Keywords: WIFI;Personnel positioning;Underground mine
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 V
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1课题研究背景 1
1.2课题研究目的及意义 1
1.3 室内定位系统国内外研究现状 2
1.3.1室内定位系统国外研究现状 2
1.3.2室内定位系统国内研究现状 4
1.4课题研究内容 5
1.5 论文结构安排 6
第二章 井下定位系统相关技术 8
2.1 WIFI无线通信技术 8
2.1.1 WIFI概述 8
2.1.2 WIFI协议构架 9
2.1.3WIFI网络拓扑 10
2.1.4 WIFI无线通信技术定位原理 11 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
2.1.5 WIFI技术与其他室内无线定位技术对比分析 12
2.2 Hanukkah实时定位系统 17
2.2.1Ekahau实时定位系统控制器 17
2.2.2 Hanukkah Site Survey 18
2.2.3 EkahauT301激活器 18
2.3常用的室内定位算法 18
2.3.1基于测距的定位算法 18
2.3.2非基于测距的定位算法 21
2.3.3定位算法比较 23
第三章井下人员定位算法研究 25
3.1基于RSSI的改进 Freudian精确定位算法 25
3.1.1 RSSI的三边测距定位 25
3.1.2 Eudidean算法的改进 27
3.1.3误差修正 28
3.1.4 算法实验及结果分析 28
3.2 井下快速定位算法 30
3.2.1井下快速定位算法模型 30
3.2.2算法实验及结果分析 30
3.3井下定位策略 31 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
第四章 井下人员定位系统研究与测试 32
4.1井下定位系统需求 32
4.1.1井下定位系统需求分析 32
4.1.2井下定位系统功能需求 32
4.1.3井下定位系统性能需求 33
4.2井下人员定位系统总体设计 33
4.2.1井下人员定位系统物理结构 34
4.2.2井下人员定位系统功能结构 35
4.2.3 井下无线网络设计 36
4.2.4 井下定位系统开发架构 37
4.3井下定位系统数据采集 38
4.3.1节点特点与功能 38
4.3.2井下定位系统数据采集与传输 40
4.3.3井下定位系统数据解析与处理 44
4.5 基于 Hanukkah的井下人员定位管理系统设计 48
4.5.1井下人员定位管理系统开发环境 49
4.5.2人员管理子系统 50
4.5.3跟踪定位子系统 56
4.5.4预警救援子系统 58
4.5.5生产计划子系统 62
第五章 系统测试 65
5.1测试环境搭建 65
5.2 测试方案 66
5.3测试结果及分析 69
第六章 总结与展望 71
6.1 总结 71
6.2 展望 72
致 谢 74
参考文献 75