
本文按照提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的思路,首先对项目、项目管理、进度管理、进度控制等概念进行了界定,并介绍了相关的理论和原理。在此基础之上介绍了本项目的具体情况,随后重点指出本项目进度控制方面存在的两点问题,制约因素多延误工期和盲目追赶工期(提出问题)。针对项目进度滞后的问题,从资源、风险源、机制、质量等四个角度对其原因进行分析(分析问题),尤其在质量这一角度,采用鱼骨图分析法,具体分析了导致质量通病的原因,并结合本项目实际情况,具体分析本项目中存在的问题,也就是导致项目进度滞后的根本原因;针对项目进度计划形式化这一问题,分别从对进度、质量和成本三者关系的把握上和施工队伍的责任意识两个角度,进行分析。然后依据进度控制的前沿理论,选用有效的方法和工具,在项目实施过程中进行进度控制和优化,从而实现了对该项目进度的动态管理。最后针对问题的所在之处和深层的原因,依次提出直接的具有针对性的改进措施。对本项目合理的进度控制和工期的保证具有重要意义。 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
The construction project schedule control as one of the three control objectives is the important content of project management. To effectively control the progress of the projects implementation, make it reach the goal, is one of the central task of the engineering project management. This article applies the relevant theoretical knowledge of schedule control, combined with the specific case, the construction process of research and analyze the progress of the problem, solving measures are put forward, and to forecast the time limit for a project, optimization and adjustment. Paper main research work and achievements are as follows:
In this paper, according to the thinking of problem, to analyze and solve problems, first of all to the project, project management, schedule management and schedule control concept is defined, and introduces the relevant theories and principles. On this basis the specific circumstances of this project are introduced, then the key points out two problems of the project progress control, many restricting factors delay time and blindly pursued period (questions). According to project progress lagging problem, from the resource, risk source, mechanism, and the quality of the four angles to analyze its reason (analysis), especially in the quality of this Angle, fishbone diagram analysis, concrete analysis of the causes of common quality faults, and in combination with the practical situation of the project, the problems that exist in the specific analysis of the project, which is the primary cause of the project schedule delay; According to project progress plan to formalize this problem, respectively from the schedule, cost and quality of the relationship between the three grasp on the two angles of responsibility consciousness and construction team, are analyzed. And then according to the forefront of schedule control theory, and the use of effective methods and tools, progress of control and optimization in the process of project implementation, so as to realize the dynamic management of the project schedule. Finally aiming at the problem of and the deep reasons, in turn directly targeted improvement measures are put forward. Schedule control of this project is reasonable and the period of guarantee is of great significance. [来源:http://Doc163.com]
Keywords: dezhou; Qihe; The new station; Construction project; Schedule control
摘要 1
Abstract 1
1 绪 论 3
1.1 研究背景及意义 3
1.2 国内外研究现状与发展动态 5
1.3 论文的主要内容与研究方法 7
1.4 研究的创新点 9
2 项目管理理论概述 10
2.1项目管理概述 10
2.1.1 项目管理的概念 10
2.1.2 项目管理的主要内容 10
2.1.3 项目管理的目标 10
2.2项目进度管理 11
2.2.1 项目进度管理的概念 11
2.2.2 项目进度管理的主要内容 11
2.3项目进度控制 13
2.3.1 项目进度控制的概念 13
2.3.2 项目进度控制的主要内容 13
2.3.3 项目进度控制的目标与方法 14
3 德州市齐河县新车站建设项目施工概况 18
3.1 德州市齐河县新车站总体规划 18
3.2 德州市齐河县新车站建设项目总体部署 19
3.2.1施工总体构思 19
3.2.2项目组织机构 19
3.3 德州市齐河县新车站建设项目进度控制管理中存在的问题 21
3.3.1 项目进度滞后 21
3.3.2 项目进度计划实施不到位 24
3.3.3 项目进度计划跟踪检查不及时 25
4项目进度管理问题的原因及进度控制的改进 26
4.1 德州市齐河县新车站建设项目进度管理问题的原因 26
4.1.1 项目进度滞后的成因 26
4.1.2 项目进度计划形式化的成因 31
4.2 德州市齐河县新车站建设项目进度控制的改进 34
4.2.1 项目的工作结构分解 34
4.2.2 项目工作进度计划 35
4.2.3 项目责任计划分配 36
5 德州市齐河县新车站建设项目进度管理的完善措施 38
5.1 完善高效务实的项目管理机构 38
5.1.1项目管理机构权限职责改进措施 38
5.1.2项目管理机构技术辅助改进措施 38
5.2 结合实际情况调整进度目标 39
5.3 项目各阶段进度管理措施 40
5.3.1 设计阶段进度管理 40
5.3.2 施工阶段进度管理 42
5.3.3 验收阶段进度管理 44
6 结论与愿望 46
6.1结论 46
6.2愿望 47
参考文献 48 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]