
The Analysis and Research on Customer Satisfaction Evaluation System for Commerical Bank
摘 要
The research of customers’ satisfaction has entered China for more than ten years, which is from the beginning of the investigation in implementing service to the research on perceived quality and the satisfaction index model. Through integrating diverse research techniques with principles, the technique of research on satisfaction has developed to cater for various requirements. With rapid development of science and technology nowadays, the data of domestic banking industry has a centralized development, and the importance of service on banking back-stage operation has emerging. With deepening professionalized and specialization on subjects’ research, the measuring, collecting and analyzing on banking back-stage operating service has attracted increasing more attention. The assessment on customer’s satisfaction of banking back-stage operating service, which concentrated on the concept of customer-centricity, has become a significant means and reference on the investigation of banking back-stage operating service. This article not only introduces the diagnostic system of customers satisfaction into the process of commercial banks’ internal management,But also discusses the importance of customer satisfaction for commercial banks from many aspects of the design of the customer satisfaction index, index analysis and evaluation and diagnostic analysis of the evaluation forms. To reflect the current situation of cummmercial banks at different stages of business development and the advantages and disadvatages in which scientific evaluation index set of business environment. Thereby providing a reference for the strategic development in the next stage of commercial banks’ reform. By improving customer satisfaction level of commercial banks, allowing banks to achieve greater competitive advantage in the industry.
Keywords: commercial bank; investigating system of satisfaction;
evaluation index;
摘 要 2
Abstract 3
第1章 绪 论 6
1.1 研究背景及意义 6
1.2 国内外顾客满意度测评文献综述 7
1.2.1 国外顾客满意度测评研究综述 8
1.2.2 国内顾客满意度测评研究综述 9
1.2.3 我国商业银行满意度模型的发展 10
1.3 研究方法及内容 11
1.4 本章小结 12
第2章 商业银行顾客满意度测评系统技术和理论基础 12
2.1 顾客满意度测评理论 12
2.1.1 顾客满意度指数 12
2.1.2 顾客满意度测评模型 13
2.1.3 本系统顾客满意度评价体系 16
2.2.2 系统开发语言介绍 16
2.2.3 系统开发框架介绍 17
2.2.4 系统数据库介绍 18
第3章 商业银行顾客满意度测评系统的分析 19
3.1 需求获取 19
3.1.1 需求获取 19
3.1.2 需求分析 20
3.2 关于顾客满意度的测评方法 21
3.2.1 指标测量法 21
3.2.2 结构方程建模法 21
3.2.3灰色关联分析法 21
3.2.4 主成分分析法 22
3.2.5模糊综合评价法 22
第4章 商业银行顾客满意度测评系统的设计 23
4.1 关于如何构建商业类型银行的顾客满意度测评指标 23
4.1.1如何确定商业类型银行顾客满意度的影响因素 23
4.1.2 商业银行顾客满意度指标体系建立的原则 24
4.1.3 商业银行顾客满意度测评指标体系构成 24
4.2系统主要功能与流程图 27
4.2.1顾客满意度调查信息收集功能 28
4.2.2顾客满意度分析与报表统计分析功能 30
4.2.3管理员管理功能 32
第5章 商业银行顾客满意度测评系统的实现 34
5.1系统环境配置和部署 34
5.1.1系统环境配置 34
5.1.2系统环境部署 34
(1)修改Tomcat的JDK目录 34
(2)配置数据源 34
Context fragment for deploying MyWebApp.war 36
5.2系统实现 36
结论与展望 48
参考文献 49
致 谢 52