
Soil erosion and its treatment in black soil region of Kuandian County
摘 要
本文通过对宽甸县黑土区水土流失现状及其危害的实地调研及分析有关数据,并采用系统分析及专家咨询等方式,完善《宽甸县(2006~2020年)水土保持中长期规划》、《东北黑土区水土流失综合防治规划》、《东北黑土区水土流失综合防治第一期工程项目总体布置及前期工作要求》、《东北黑土区水土流失综合防治第一期工程项目可研报告编写提纲及相关要求》和宽甸县黑土区小流域初步设计报告等专业资料,研究制定出针对该地区水土流失治理措施及预防体系的建设,加快宽甸县黑土区项目的实施对于逐步治理辽宁东部石质山区严重的水土流失、振兴地域经济起到率先的引导作用,并可为同等条件的地区防治水土流失提供典型的治理经验、治理模式、技术路线及产生广泛的经济效益。 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
关键词:黑土区;水土流失;效益; 宽甸县
Black soil area of Kuandian county is located in hilly region of Kuandian County, due to the influence of the Yalu River, climate and natural conditions, the development of early, more serious damage to soil erosion, soil erosion, soil fertility decline, organic matter content gradually reduced, land resources are serious threats, crop yields continued to decline, coupled with irrational land use structure, people's living standards. As of 2010 statistics, the per capita annual income of only about 3000 yuan. Another hazard of serious soil erosion is the deterioration of ecological environment, soil and water resources have not been effectively utilized, and the ability to keep the soil and water conservation is declining.
In this paper, through the investigation on the black soil area of Kuandian County, soil erosion status and its harm and analysis of relevant data, and by using the system analysis and expert consultation, improve the "Kuandian county (2006 ~ 2020) of soil and water conservation and long-term planning", "northeast black soil area of Soil Erosion Comprehensive Prevention and control planning", "soil erosion in black soil region of Northeast China comprehensive prevention and control of the first project layout and preliminary work requirements", "comprehensive control of soil erosion in black soil region of Northeast China the first project feasibility report prepared outline and relevant requirements" and Kuandian County Soil Area of small flow domain preliminary design report and other professional information, study and formulate measures for construction and prevention system of soil erosion in the area the black soil region of Kuandian County, accelerate project implementation for governance gradually in eastern Liaoning in the rocky mountain area of serious soil erosion, revitalize regional economy play a lead role in guiding, soil erosion prevention area and for the same conditions, provide management experience typical governance model, the technical route and has extensive economic benefits. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
Keywords: black soil region; soil erosion; benefit; Kuandian County
目 录
Abstract II
目 录 III
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 1
1.2国内外研究动态 2
1.2.1国外研究动态 2
1.2.2国内研究动态 3
1.3文献述评 4
1.4研究目标与研究内容 4
1.4.1研究目标 4
1.4.2研究内容 4
1.5研究方法与技术路线 5
1.5.1研究方法 5
1.5.2技术路线 5
1.6可能的创新点与研究不足 6
1.6.1可能的创新点 6
1.6.2研究不足 7
2.1宽甸县黑土区自然概况 8
2.1.1.地貌 8
2.1.2土地、土壤和地质 8 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
2.1.3气候和植被 10
2.2研究区域社会经济概况 11
2.2.1行政区划 11
2.2.2土地利用现状 11
2.2.3经济状况 12
2.2.4.农村农业基础设施和政府政策 14
3.1宽甸县黑土区水土流失概况 15
3.1.1水土流失现状 15
3.1.2 土壤侵蚀特点 15
3.2黑土区水土流失的危害 15
3.2.1水土流失对粮食生产的影响 16
3.2.2水土流失引起的生态环境变化 16
3.2.3水土流失与区域贫困化 17
3.3水土流失的因素分析 17
3.3.1自然环境因素分析 17
3.3.2社会环境因素分析 18
第四章 宽甸县水土流失综合治理与体系建设 19
4.1宽甸县水土流失综合治理对策 19
2、宽甸县黑土区水土流失分区治理 19
4.2.1宽甸县水土流失综合防治体系 20 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
4.2.2水土流失治理技术体系 21
4.2.3水土流失防治管理体系 34
4.2.4水土流失防治服务保障体系 36
第五章 结论与发展对策 37
5.1研究结论 37
1、资料准确可靠 37
2、技术设计合理 37
3、有利于黑土地恢复 37
4、组织机构健全 38
5、社会影响好 38
致谢 1 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]