
Application of Task-based Teaching Method to the Teaching of English Writing in Senior High Schools
摘 要
Many English teachers and students agree that the teaching and learning of English writing are an extremely laborious thing. Many teachers have deep feelings there are many drawbacks in the teaching of writing. Teachers put too much emphasis on teaching grammar and vocabulary knowledge, ignoring the practical language learning. So it is difficult to improve the writing skills of learners. Many learners made mistakes in the use of synonyms antonyms and so on. Teachers feel deeply worried when marking compositions. It usually takes about a week of time to marking the essays of the whole class, and after marking composition full of little circles, they often found the compositions are teachers’ own works. Therefore, the task-based teaching method has its research value and significance. [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
The main theoretical basis for this study is the social and cultural theory, cognitive theory and constructivism theory and other theories of task-based teaching method. The main approaches are questionnaires and interviews, through investigation and analysis of a large number of data. This research wants to come to the following conclusions
(1) task-based teaching method in the process of teaching high school English writing can enhance students 'students' writing ability, ability to cooperate and self-confidence;
(2) task-based teaching method has a natural advantage over the traditional teaching methods in English writing, but it does not mean that high school English teachers should completely abandoned this tradition in the teaching of writing. These two methods should combine and achieve optimal results.
This paper presents some more reasonable and scientific recommendations on task-based teaching method appearing in the teaching of English in order to promote students' ability in writing and learning English.
Key words TBLT; high school; English writing
目 录
摘 要 I
引 言 1
第一章 文献综述 5
1.1任务型教学法基本内涵研究 5
1.2任务型教学法理论的发展 5
1.3阻碍任务型教学法有效实施因素研究 7
第二章 理论基础 13
2.1任务型教学法定义 13
2.2任务型教学法基础理论 13
2.2.1社会文化理论 13
2.2.2认知理论 14
2.2.3建构主义理论 15
2.3任务型教学法基础理论 16
第三章 任务型教学法的高中英语写作教学设计与实施步骤 19
3.1基于任务型教学法的高中英语写作教学设计 19
3.1.1任务型教学法的构成要素 19
3.1.2任务型教学法的实施条件 20
3.1.3任务型教学法的实施步骤 20
3.2基于任务型教学法的高中英语写作教学实施情况 23
3.2.1研究对象 23
3.2.2研究目标和假设 23
3.2.3研究工具与方法 24
3.2.4研究步骤 25
第四章 基于任务型教学法的高中英语写作教学设计实施效果 33
4.1研究对象的描述性分析 33
4.2任务型教学法实施前研究对象的前测情况分析 34
4.2.1研究对象英语写作成绩前测数据分析 34
4.2.2研究对象的学习基础分析 35
4.2.3实验班前访谈实录及数据分析 43
4.3任务型教学法实施后研究对象的后测情况分析 45
4.3.1研究对象英语写作成绩后测数据分析 45
4.3.2研究对象的学习效果分析 47
4.3.3实验班后访谈原文及数据分析 53
4.4对任务型教学法实施效果的讨论与分析 56
4.4.1 提高学生的写作能力 56
4.4.2提高学生的合作能力和自信心 57 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
第五章 研究结论与反思 59
5.1主要研究结论 59
5.1.1让学生认识到了写作的价值 59
5.1.2改善了师生之间和同学之间的关系 59
5.1.3推进了素质教育 60
5.1.4提高学生的综合技能 60
5.1.5减轻了教师的工作负担 60
5.2对优化高中英语写作教学的启发 60
5.2.1对教师的启发 61
5.2.2对学生的启发 64
5.2.3对写作教学资源的整合 65
5.3研究的局限性 66
5.3.1文献研究上的不足 66
5.3.2实践应用研究存在一定不足 67
5.3.3教师缺乏测试实践经验 67
5.4对未来研究的建议 68
参考文献 70 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]