
论文题目: 烟台市民生财政支出对居民消费影响研究(硕士)(论文32000字)
英语题目: Study on the influence of the financial expenditure on the consumption of the residents in Yantai City
摘 要
本文第一章主要叙述研究的背景和意义,以及国内外研究状况,阐述了进行此领域研究的目的,为全文的撰写打下基础,此外还提出了本文的创新点以及研究不足,突出了本文的研究特点和研究价值的同时,阐明了研究努力方向。 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
Study on the influence of the financial expenditure
on the consumption of the residents in Yantai City
Since the 1990 s, the ratio of consumption to falling to the China's economic development has become the main structural problems. At the same time, our country all levels of government have issued some of the positive financial policy initiatives, and hope that through active fiscal policy to stimulate consumer spending. So, the increase of fiscal expenditure will squeeze consumer, fiscal expenditure to the extent to which pull the residents' consumption growth, fiscal expenditure on the effect of residents' consumption has become the focus of the government and all walks of life.
This paper on the related literature at home and abroad and the research, and then the fiscal expenditure of yantai and fiscal expenditure situation made a careful investigation of the people's livelihood, references to yantai overall consumption level, through to the yantai residents' consumption in recent years and understand the situation and people's livelihood fiscal spending status of accumulated the rich research data, and then use empirical approach for yantai city people's livelihood fiscal spending and consumer relations are studied. [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
In this paper, the first chapter mainly illustrates the research background and significance, and research status at home and abroad, expounds the purpose of the study of this field, to writing lays the foundation of the full text, and also put forward in this paper, the innovation points and research insufficiency, highlighted in this paper, the research characteristics and research value, the research direction was illustrated.
In this paper, the second chapter mainly discusses the basic research theory, to the people's livelihood and the livelihood of the people spending concept is defined, the fiscal expenditure on the conduction mechanism of residents' consumption and people's livelihood fiscal expenditure's relationship with residents' consumption are analyzed.
In this paper, the third chapter mainly carries on the empirical analysis, based on the accumulated data of yantai city people's livelihood fiscal spending and consumer relations has carried on the empirical research, the internal relationship between them is obtained by data analysis, data preparation for the next step research.
In this paper, the fourth chapter mainly analyzes the yantai city people's livelihood and residents' consumption status and existing problems of fiscal expenditure, financial expenditure, in turn, to all sorts of present situation, the residents' consumption status and the problem of the both comb, the article studies the main basis.
The fifth chapter mainly starts with the problems, this paper deeply analyses the cause of the problem, mainly includes: the people's livelihood low total financial expenditure and restricting the residents' consumption level; The people's livelihood fiscal expenditure structure is unreasonable, restricting residents' consumption structure upgrade; The people's livelihood fiscal expenditure of urban and rural differences lead to urban and rural residents' consumption.
This article, at the end of the sixth chapter is mainly analyzed the research conclusion, and according to the conclusions and problems put forward the strategy to solve the problem: optimization of fiscal expenditure structure of the people's livelihood, improve the quality of residents' consumption; Expand the total financial expenditure, improve the level of residents' consumption; Perfect social security system, to encourage immediate consumption; Consumption idea, guiding the consumption behavior.
Key words: the people's livelihood; Fiscal spending; consumption
第一章 绪论 11
一、研究背景及意义 11
(一)选题背景 11
(二)研究意义 12
二.研究内容及思路 13
三、国内外研究综述 14
四、可能的创新点及不足 15
(一)本文研究的创新点 15
(二)研究存在的不足 16
第二章 概念界定和理论基础 17
一、民生与民生财政支出概念界定 17
(一)民生的概念 17
(二)民生财政支出 18
二、财政支出对居民消费的传导机制研究 19
三、民生财政支出与居民消费的关系研究 20
第三章 烟台市民生财政支出和居民消费现状及存在的问题 22
一、烟台市民生财政支出现状及存在的问题 22
(一)烟台市民生财政支出现状 22
(二)烟台市民生财政支出存在问题 24
二、烟台市居民消费现状及存在的问题 25
(一)烟台市居民消费现状 25
(二)烟台市居民消费存在问题 26
第四章 烟台市民生财政支出对居民消费影响的实证分析 29
一、烟台市民生财政支出对于居民消费水平数据分析 29
二、烟台市民生财政支出对居民消费影响的实证分析结论 34
一、民生财政支出总量低、制约居民消费水平提高 35
(一)教育支出不足,影响消费水平提高 35
(二)医疗卫生支出不足,影响居民消费信心 36
(三)保障性安居工程建设滞后 36
(四)城乡社会保障体系不健全 36
(五)农村基础设施建设财政支出较少 37
二、民生财政支出结构不合理,制约居民消费结构升级 37
三、民生财政支出城乡差异导致城乡居民消费差异 38
第六章 主要结论及政策建议 39 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
一、主要结论 39
(一)烟台市民生支出总量不足 39
(二)民生财政支出结构不合理 39
(三)民生财政城乡投入比例差距较大 39
二、政策建议 39
(一)优化民生财政支出结构,改善居民消费质量 39
(二)加大扩大财政支出总量,多渠道筹资,提高居民消费水平 41
(三)完善社会保障体制,鼓励即期消费 41
(四)转变消费观念,引导消费行为 42 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]