
现代社会,知识经济的竞争日益剧烈,人们必须拥有终身学习的意识和本领,而不管是学习任何一种技能和本领都离不开阅读,进而阅读素养也已经引起世界各国人们的重视和关注。在当今时代,全国对于中学生甚至是小学生培养阅读素养的重视程度越来越高。就像著名的心理学家林传鼎说的那样:“在许多场合下, 特别是教育活动中, 成功的智力操作显然是以阅读能力为基础的。如果缺乏这种能力, 那是一种极大的严重障碍,因为阅读是获得知识的主要手段之一。”然而,由于社会经济地位的局限性以及思想观念,教育水平的滞后,农村学校对学生阅读素养的培养几乎是空白的。笔者对此感到焦虑和忧心。
关键词: 农村 初中生 阅读素养 培养策略
In modern society, people must have the consciousness and ability to learn from life, and no one can do it without reading any skill or skill. And reading literacy is an important ability that students must have, is the basis of all the disciplines of learning, it is important for students to develop creative and personal development, but also an important condition to participate in social activities. As psychologist Lin Chuanding points out, "in many places, especially in educational activities, the success of intellectual operations is clearly based on reading ability. If this ability is lacking, it is a serious obstacle, because reading is one of the main ways to acquire knowledge." Therefore, the cultivation of reading literacy of middle school studentsandprimary school students has attracted more and more attention.
Causes of rural middle school students reading literacy situation launches the research, analyzes the effects of rural middle school students reading literacy and the strategies of cultivating students' reading literacy analysis, which for rural middle school students strengthen reading, develop reading literacy has great guiding significance. Based on these questions, the author makes this
In this paper, the basis and significance of the study, domestic and international research trends, research methods, the definition of related concepts to make a detailed discussion. Secondly, from where the author Loufan County selected five township middle school students reading literacy status of hand, reading literacy as the core, from the students' interest in reading, reading conditions, reading, reading attitude and reading ability five aspects, random questionnaire survey of five schools students, and student representatives, teachers' professional interviews, to understand the problems existing in the rural middle school students reading, analyses the problems, and find out the reasons. Then on the impact of rural middle school students reading literacy problems were analyzed, from the schools, families and students personal conditions three aspects analysis, obtained township middle school teaching infrastructure is weak and outdated concept of school teachers and parents to read meaning knowledge, lack of students' reading motivation is not strong, these are the effective implementation of the impact of rural middle school reading literacy. Finally, cultivation of rural middle school students' reading literacy measures, including the perfect mechanism of management of the class, let the class management orderly; update the concept of teacher management and allow teachers to upgrade their skills, fully mobilize students' enthusiasm to participate in class management, to enable students to become masters of the class management; form the resultant force of education, schools, teachers, students and parents participate in classes. Improve reading conditions, for students to create a rich environment for reading; seeking for integration of inside and outside class reading and try to broaden the student's reading level; making effort to strengthen reading guidance for students, to develop a good habit of reading; tissue rich in reading activities; the establishment of comprehensive evaluation system of reading. From these five aspects, to cultivate the reading literacy of rural middle school students. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
Key words:In rural areas; Junior school student;Reading literacy; Training strategy