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At the regional level, the security of the network has been lack of systematic analysis. As the scale of the grid is increasing, the operating mode of the system is becoming more and more complex, and the power market is booming. The ability to take the risk of the power grid is weakening, and the security of the network is becoming more and more prominent. The risk based security assessment method, which is based on the advantages of its white body, has been adapted to the new situation and new requirements of the development of power system. [资料来源:]
In the present power supply situation is grim, power system stability problems highlight the situation and reduce the possibility of power system for disaster, make the power system accident or disaster as far as possible small, sustained when asked as short as possible, to improve the Liaoning Huludao area power grid security can be reliability will play a very important role, but also for the safety of Jiangsu power grid to provide support.
In this paper, some research and discussion are made on the risk based security assessment method, and the following work has been done:
1 the traditional method of power system security assessment is analyzed, and the shortcomings of the traditional security assessment methods are pointed out;
2 the concept of power system vulnerability is introduced, and the security assessment of power system is used to evaluate the security of power system;
Two using the traditional power system assessment and risk based security assessment of power grid vulnerability 3 assessment methods to assess the safety of Huludao Liaoning power grid, the current security issues in Huludao Liaoning power grid; [资料来源:]
4 the influence of the power network structure on the security of the network is discussed, and the main problems of the security operation of Huludao Liaoning power network are analyzed based on the actual situation of Huludao Liaoning power network, and the countermeasures and measures are put forward for the safety operation of Huludao Liaoning power network and the construction of Huludao Liaoning power network security defense system.
Keywords: safety assessment; risk assessment; reliability; power system vulnerability

摘要    I
Abstract    II
目录    IV
第一章  绪论    1
1.1课题的研究意义    1
1.2影响电力系统安全性的主要因素    2
1.2.1电源和电网结构发展不协调、结构不合理    2
1.2.2电力市场带来的不确定因素    3
1.2.3电力系统的脆弱性问题    4
1.3我国电力系统安全稳定状况    4

1.4电力系统安全稳定研究现状    4
1.5本文的主要内容    5
第二章 电力系统安全性分析和确定性评估    6
2.1引言    6
2.2电力系统静态安全分析    7
2.2.1概述    7
2.2.2预想事故评定和预想事故选择    8
2.2.3安全控制对策    8
2.3电力系统动态安全分析    9
2.3.1电力系统灾变    9
2.3.2静态稳定    10
2.3.3暂态稳定    10
2.3.4中长期稳定(动态稳定)    11
2.3.5电压和频率稳定    11
2.4确定性电力系统安全评估标准    12
2.4.1确定性行为或性能试验准则一N-1原则    12
2.4.2系统故障准则    13
2.4.3行为指标PI为系统静态安全分析标准    13
2.4.4电力系统关于静态稳定储备的具体标准    14
2.5确定性评估方法的不足    15

2.6章节总结    15
第三章  基于风险的电网脆弱性评估    15
3.1引言    15
3.2电力系统脆弱性    16
3.2.1脆弱性概念    16
3.2.2电力系统脆弱性    17
3.2.3电力系统脆弱性的来源    17
3.2.4显性故障和隐性故障    18
3.2.5电力系统结构脆弱性    18
3.2.6电力系统脆弱性评估    18
3.2.7降低电力系统脆弱性的途径    19
3.3风险评估    20
3.3.1风险的基本概念    20
3.3.2风险评估    21
3.3.3风险管理    21
3.4基于风险的脆弱性评估    22
3.4.1基本原理    22
3.4.2系统安全风险评估    23
3.5本章小结    25
第四章 辽宁葫芦岛电网的安全性评估    25
4.1葫芦岛电网简介    25
4.2葫芦岛电网安全评估条件及内容    26 [来源:]
4.2.1评估条件    26
4.3.1潮流计算    27
4.3.3暂态稳定安全分析    28
4.3.4风险指标    29
4.4本章小结    30
第五章 葫芦岛电网安全性问题及对策研究    30
5.1引言    30
5.2电网结构与电网安全性    31
5.2.1电网安全性对电网结构的要求    31
5.2.2电磁环网对电网安全性的影响    31
5.2.3地区电厂接入对电网安全性的影响    32
5.2.4电网结构的安全性评估    32
5.3电网结构对葫芦岛电网安全的影响及对策研究    33
5.3.1电力外送问题    33
5.3.2解决对策    33
5.4葫芦岛发输电系统的安全性    34
5.4.1葫芦岛发输电系统稳定情况    34
5.4.2葫芦岛发输电系统稳定措施    34
5.4.3葫芦岛发输电系统安全隐患    36
5.5其他因素对葫芦岛电网安全性的影响    37 [资料来源]
5.5.1送出通道检修方式安排困难    37
5.5.2非供电企业对电网安全的影响    37
5.5.3逐年严重的自然灾害危及电网安全    37
5.6葫芦岛电网安全防御体系的建立    37
5.6.1第一道防线    38
5.6.2第二道防线    38
5.6.3第三道防线    38
5.7本章小结    38
第六章 结束语    40
6.1本文工作的总结    40
6.2工作展望    41
6.2.1基于风险的安全评估方法的模型改进    41
6.2.2基于风险的安全评估方法的在线应用    42
致谢    43
参考文献    44

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