
Zhengzhou urban mass badminton sports
To carry out the present situation and development countermeasures
《河南省全民健身实施计划》(豫政 〔2011〕61号)文件被河南省政府印发并出台后,全民健身的热情日益高涨。因羽毛球运动所需器材、设备、场地相对简单,运动力量和技术都能自己掌控,在享受羽毛球运动乐趣的同时还可以锻炼身体,受到了郑州广大群众的喜爱。其独具特色的运动特点也相对来说比较适合郑州市人民的锻炼习惯以及大众的健身观念。但是怎样为能够为这些参加的人提供更加优质的服务,如何正确的引导他们进行羽毛球运动,从而促进羽毛球运动在郑州市区得到更大范围的推行及大众化,从而能够更好地促进郑州市区的全民健身活动,进而带动郑州的经济发展,是羽毛球运动研究亟待解决的重大事项。
As henan province government issued the "national fitness plan of henan province" (yu zheng [2011] no. 61) notice, the enthusiasm of the national fitness. Required by badminton sport apparatus, equipment, site is relatively simple, can control movement strength and technology, while enjoy badminton can also exercise the body, are popular with the masses of zhengzhou. Its unique movement characteristics are suitable for zhengzhou city people's concept of exercise habits and fitness. But how to provide better service for the participants, how to correctly guide them for badminton sports, make badminton in zhengzhou city by a wider range of promotion and popularization, to better promote the national fitness activities, thus promote the economic development of zhengzhou, is a new topic for the badminton.
In view of the problems mentioned above, this study through the literature material law, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics method, interview method and logical analysis, in zhengzhou city badminton exercisers masses as the research object, to exercise in the badminton movement in zhengzhou city people's current situation, to participate in sports activities, to participate in collective activities and the organization mode of the big events, venue facility present situation, study, explore the main factors affecting the development of zhengzhou urban mass badminton, and carry on the preliminary analysis, has advantages in expanding the development countermeasure to the problems and deficiencies, to the development of zhengzhou urban mass badminton sports provide certain theoretical guidance, thus the development of the national fitness campaign in zhengzhou city and popularize to provide certain reference basis. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
Key words: Zhengzhou city; Mass badminton; To carry out the present situation; Development countermeasures
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1选题的依据 1
1.2 研究意义 2
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4文献综述 2
1.4.1关于群众体育的研究 2
1.4.2关于羽毛球运动开展现状的研究 3
1.4.3关于羽毛球运动参与者研究现状 5
2 研究对象与方法 7
2.1 研究对象 7
2.2研究方法 8
2.2.1文献资料法 8
2.2.2问卷调查法 8
2.2.3数理统计法 9
2.2.4访谈法 9
2.2.5逻辑分析法 9
3研究结果与解析 9
3.1郑州市区群众性羽毛球运动参与人群的基本情况分析 9
3.1.1郑州市区群众性羽毛球运动参与人群的男女比例 9 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
3.1.2郑州市区群众性羽毛球运动参与人群的年龄特点 10
3.1.3郑州市区群众性羽毛球运动参与人群的学历特征 11
3.1.5郑州市区群众性羽毛球运动参与人群的时间特点 12
3.1.6郑州市区群众性羽毛球运动参与人群的收入特点 12
3.2郑州市区大众化羽毛球运动情况 13
3.2.1郑州市区大众化羽毛球运动参与者时间段的选择情况 13
3.2.2郑州市区群众性羽毛球运动参与者运动频率的分析 13
3.2.3郑州市区群众性羽毛球运动参与者锻炼强度的分析 14
3.2.4郑州市区群众性羽毛球运动参与者运动场馆的选择 14
3.2.5郑州市区群众性羽毛球运动参与者消费情况的分析 15
3.2.6郑州市区群众性羽毛球运动参与者参与动机的情况 15
3.2.7郑州市区大众化羽毛球运动参与者锻炼组织情况 16
3.2.8郑州市区基层羽毛球运动参与者比赛事现象解析 17
3.3影响郑州市区群众性羽毛球运动开展的因素分析 17 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
3.3.1影响郑州市区群众性羽毛球运动开展的主观原因解读 17
3.3.2决定郑州市区基层羽毛球运动开展的客观原因情况 19
4郑州市区关于广大群众进行羽毛球运动的发展对策 23
4.1加强政府部门及相关主管部门的引导和干预 23
4.2关于增强羽毛球场馆设施建设与利用 23
4.3降低健身人员活动消费 24
4.4加强宣传,创造一种特别的气氛 24
4.5增加建设羽毛球的俱乐部,同时我们还要建立一个全面的教练员培训的机构 25
5 结论 25
致 谢 29 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]