
摘 要
Talent flow policy of talent flow will directly influence, as a rapid economic development in our province, Guangdong talent flow policy talent flow of Guangdong and other provinces in China have important influence on the policy talent flow. Formally implemented in 2013, Guangdong has the professional and technical personnel team construction in Guangdong province long-term planning (2011-2020) , which will directly promote the flow of Guangdong talent, also suggests that the government of Guangdong province talent flow policy faces new development opportunities and challenges, the Guangdong talent flow management policy, causes for the lack of analysis of the existing talent and has important value. This article from the policy of talent management conditions of Guangdong provincial government, the government on the issue of personnel policy, and combining the relevant theories, from the talent education, talent incentive, talent security configuration and talent market point of view, discusses how to solve the province high-tech zone mobility management policy.
This paper briefly summarized the research background and significance, research methods and research content, and to build roughly thesis framework;
Second, analyzing the flow of talent theory, from the definition of talent flow, function, and the comparison of brain drain, etc., and discusses its theoretical part, the existing literature to sum up, it is concluded that different views. Flow of talent to our country government offices are, however, status and characteristics, and the related personnel theory to analysis, finally summarized different content, and summarized research scholar's point of view.
Again to province high-tech zone of mobility management policy as the research object, the research process, data analysis, the condition of satisfaction (work environment, training, promotion, salary satisfaction and enterprise management satisfaction) analysis, study the effect of mobility management for the technical area and the influence of talent flow policy of talent flow. Then listed the corresponding problems. It includes the government personnel salary is low, performance appraisal efficiency low and promoted the space is little. Then, in this paper, the Guangdong province high-tech zone of mobility management policy and evaluation was analyzed, and the analysis of Guangdong talent flow problems that exist in the policy making process, finally, sum up the problem, and points out the direction of the future improvement and development, puts forward relevant policy recommendations, and province high and new technology for the future of human resources development and utilization are summarized and prospected. [资料来源:]
Keywords: The high tech Zone; the flow of talent; the marketing allocation
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究方法 2
1.4 研究思路 3
第2章 相关理论基础和研究现状 3
2.1人才流动的内涵 改成:概述 3
2.1.1人才流动的定义 3
2.1.2人才流动的特征 3
2.1.3人才流动的作用 4
2.1.4人才流动与人才流失的区别 4
2.2 人才流动管理政策研究综述 5
2.2.1国内研究状况 5
2.2.2国外研究状况 6
2.3 人才流动结构、频率与政策分析 看后面批注! 6
2.3.1人才流动结构分析 6
2.3.2人才流动频率分析 7
2.3.3 人才流动与政策关系分析 9
2.3.4 人才流动的成效分析 10
第3章 广东省高新技术区人才流动现状及流动效应分析看后面批注! 11
3.1传统人才流动政策的研究 11
3.2广东省人才流动管理政策分析 12
3.2.1广东省高新技术区人才流动管理政策的内容 12
3.2.2广东省人才规划政策主要目标 13
3.3广东省高新技术区人才流动管理成效 14
3.4广东省高新技术区人才流动管理政策存在问题及评析 16
3.4.1广东省高新技术区人才流动管理存在的问题 16
3.4.2 广东省高新技术区人才流动管理政策的评析 20
第4章 广东省高新技术区人才流动管理政策国内外经验借鉴 26
4.1上海市高新技术区人才流动管理政策经验借鉴 26
4.1.1 上海市高新技术企业需要具备的几个条件 26
4.1.2 上海市高新企业人才流动管理政策的经验 27
4.2美国人才流动管理政策的经验借鉴 28 [资料来源:]
4.2.1不断修订移民法 28
4.2.2储备留学生人才 28
4.2.3大力实施“绿卡”政策 28
4.2.4创造优越的社会环境留住人才 29
4.3 英国人才流动管理政策的经验借鉴 29
4.4日本人才流动管理政策的经验借鉴 29
第5章 完善广东省高新技术区人才流动管理政策的建议 30
5.1建立符合发展规划需求的高效人才政策 30
5.2理顺人才流动管理政策机制 30
5.3构建绩效考核的体系 31
5.4调整高新区人才福利 33
5.5优化人才选拔与招聘 34
5.5.1人才招聘 34
5.5.2职称评定及晋升 36
5.5.3职业发展管理 38
5.6创建创新人才的环境 38
5.6.1增强创新能力建设 38
5.6.2人才流动及档案户口管理方面 41
5.6.3加强人才生活环境建设 41
第六章 结论 42
参考文献 43