
摘 要
商业秘密的善意取得引发了交易安全和保护商业秘密的权利人的财产权益纠纷,对于拥有私有财产权的商业秘密权利人,其正当权利是应该得到相应的法律保护和救济的,因为第三人是善意主观的,事实上也支付了相应的对价。在商品流转中,善意取得制度就是权利人和第三人在二者之间进行恰当衡平,旨在维护交易安全、加快商品流转,节约经济成本,促进经济发展。基于此,本文首先从商业秘密善意取得的概念和构成要件入手,其次分析国际社会对商业秘密善意取得法律制度比较,再次分析我国商业秘密法律保护的现状,并对此现状提出完善我国商业秘密善意取得的法律的探讨。 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
Bona Fide Acquisition Property Law is an important system is equitable system of property law in the interests of bona fide third parties and the conflict between the rights of people between the pair. Then, when the different values and interests drive conflict, how to reconcile the law should ensure the realization of the interests of balance, it is set forth herein should focus on content. With the rapid economic development in the current era of big data, enterprise in order to capture the upper hand, gain market share, the focus of competition began to tend to the data, information and other business technology means, the importance of science and technology in the field of trade secrets has become increasingly prominent. At present, China's law on the protection of trade secrets is mainly concentrated in the "Anti-Unfair Competition Law", and gradually formed the law as the center of trade secret protection legal system, but in the legal system, trade secrets acquired in good faith problem failed to clear. Hence there are many problems in judicial practice
Trade secrets acquired in good faith raises transaction security and protection of trade secrets rights holders property rights disputes, to have private property rights of trade secret rights, their legitimate rights should be given the appropriate legal protection and remedies, because the third person is subjective well-intentioned, in fact, pay the corresponding consideration. In commodity circulation, the original right holders and third party representing the safety and security of property static dynamic, bona fide acquisition is performed between the two appropriate equity, aimed at preserving the security of transactions, to speed up the flow of goods, the economic cost savings and promote economic development. Based on this, the first bona fide trade secrets obtained from the concept and constituent elements to start, followed by analysis of the international community has made on the commercial secrets goodwill comparative legal systems, once again analyze the status quo of legal protection of trade secrets, business secrets and make our good intentions to improve this status quo Discussion made law.
Keywords: trade secrets; Good Faith
目 录
一、引言 7
二、商业秘密善意取得概述 8
(一)商业秘密善意取得的概念 8
(二)商业秘密善意取得的构成要件 15
三、国际社会对商业秘密善意取得法律制度比较 17
(一)许可说 18
(二)禁止说 19
(三)附件条件的禁止说 20
四、我国动产和不动产善意取得与商业秘密善意取得的的比较 21
(一)动产和不动产与商业秘密善意取得的共同点 21
(二)动产和不动产与商业秘密善意取得的区别 22
(一)我国商业秘密善意取得的相关规定及发展进程 23 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
(三) 我国商业秘密善意取得法律制度的不足 27
六、完善我国商业秘密善意取得的法律探讨 30
(一)在专门立法中的明确商业秘密善意取得制度 30
(二)明确处理善意第三人问题的具体原则 33
(三)明确第三人的善意时间标准 33
(四)明确善意第三人知悉的具体标准 34
结语 36
致谢 38 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]