
摘 要
对于资源型地区来说,由于国家政策的原因,且其的投资领域较少,都会造成资源型地区的民间资本及其丰裕的情况。而孝义地区作为一个典型的倚矿地区,其民间资本的储量相对是计较多的,而如果孝义地区的中小企业能够合理利用这些资本来发展自身,这势必给孝义地区中小企业的发展带来一大助力。但是对于这方面的研究,大部分研究者主要是从理论方面来研究,但中小企业利用民间资本的真实情况如何,借贷中存在的风险,规模效率等方面的真实情况的研究,就没有一个比较切合实际的深入研究。 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
SMEs, in the world economic market, is in a very important position. Especially in China such a developing country, healthy development of SMEs, is not only more conducive to stimulating economic growth and overall social progress, but can provide a lot of jobs, alleviate employment pressure facing our country. So, how to promote healthy and rapid development of SMEs is an extremely important and meaningful issue. However, the fact is that SMEs will face a variety of difficulties in the development process. One of the most difficult problems is the problem of SME financing.
For resource-based region, due to reasons of national policy, and less investment in its field, will cause private capital to resource-rich areas and situations. And Xiaoyi region as a typical lean ore region, which is bound to have a lot of private capital, and if the SME Xiaoyi region to the rational use of the capital, is bound to the development of SMEs in the region Xiaoyi bring a big help. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
Firstly, this article used papers from the China Journal Net, RESSET financial database, access to some research, combined with the specific circumstances of the relevant theoretical and Xiaoyi region, draw their own writing ideas and frameworks, and explains how companies will choose and use private financing. Secondly, the questionnaire method has been used, and then design a questionnaire issued by, so gather a certain amount of data, which is the subject of the article. Finally, use the method of data analysis, and then obtain the results and get recommendations based on the conclusions.
The biggest innovation of this paper is that, through the questionnaire, collecting some information to help SME financing situation and circumstances of the use of private . When using the questionnaire method which visited by some companies, paper can get more real financing situation of SMEs Xiaoyi region. But its shortcomings are obvious, mainly tedious questionnaire method, data collection more difficult, and the data collected in the proportion of useful data will be too large.
In the last, came to the conclusion: 1.Xiaoyi areas for SMEs, there is a relatively favorable external environment, but funds are generally more intense, which greatly affected the development of SMEs. 2.The private loans are easier to obtain financing to SME financing, so it's relatively wide range. 3.In addition, because of its relatively high cost of financing (loan interest rate of 10% -30%), it has also led to the amount of time the loan folk is relatively small. 4.note that, for SMEs, Xiaoyi City, the biggest advantage is that folk have a lot of idle capital, private lending, although there are some drawbacks, but it really is Xiaoyi City SME use of private capital development opportunities .
And as for how to promote rational and effective use of private capital for SMEs financing, the article concludes with recommendations for the reforming of the internal and external environment.
Keywords:SMEs, Questionnaire, Private lending
目 录
学位论文版权使用授权书 2
摘 要 1
第1章 引言 3
1.1研究背景与意义 3
1.1.1研究背景 3
1.1.2研究意义 4
1.2文献综述 5
1.2.1国外文献综述 5
1.2.2国内文献综述 7
1.2.3文献评论 10
1.3研究内容及方法 10
1.3.1研究内容 10
1.3.2研究方法 11
1.4文章的创新 11
第2章 中小企业利用民间借贷方式融资的理论分析 12
2.1基于金融成长周期理论的分析 12
2.2基于关系型信贷相关理论的分析 12
2.3 小结 13
第3章 孝义地区中小企业利用民间借贷现状的调查内容和调查过程 13
3.1孝义地区中小企业情况介绍 13
3.2孝义地区总体资金情况介绍 14
3.3孝义地区中小企业利用民间借贷发展可行性分析 14 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
3.3.1孝义地区民间资本特点 14
3.3.2小结 15
3.4调查问卷分析的设计及调查过程 15
3.4.1调查范围及样本选择 15
3.4.2调查内容 15
4.1.3调查过程 18
第4章 调查结果及分析 18
4.1孝义地区样本中小企业基本情况 18
4.2孝义地区样本中小企业融资情况 18
4.3孝义地区样本中小企业民间融资可接受性分析 20
4.4孝义地区样本中小企业利用民间融资的成本分析 21
4.5孝义地区样本中小企业利用民间融资的规模分析 22
4.6孝义地区样本中小企业利用民间融资的效率分析 23
4.7孝义地区样本中小企业利用民间融资的风险分析 24
4.8小结 24
第5章 促进中小企业合理有效利用民间资本融资的对策建议 25
5.1促进中小企业利用民间资本对策 26
5.1.1政府方面 26
5.1.2社会市场方面 26
5.1.3法律法规方面 27
5.2中小企自身建设方面的对策 27
结论与展望 29
1、结论 29
2、展望 29
附录 30
附录1 孝义市中小企业融资情况调查问卷 30
参考文献 34
致谢 37