
关键词: 会计信息系统,体系构建,云会计
With cloud computing in technology innovation, business model, the constant integration of service delivery and mature, accounting information must have new breakthrough in our country, the research and development to meet the need of sustainable development of the enterprise accounting information system, using cloud computing related concept, can satisfy the need of the common interests of enterprises and suppliers, and achieve a win-win situation. And the study of these problems in the exploration stage, a lot of detail, the problem has not been involved, which need more manpower and material resources to carry out the research. Accounting informationization development in China in the unbalanced development of large enterprises to develop fast, general administrative institution development, small and medium-sized enterprises development is slow, but, with the emergence of cloud computing, "cloud accounting" began to explore research in our country. This article chronological, determine the title "cloud computing environment accounting information system architecture research".
First of all, analysis of accounting informationization development situation in our country, to our country accountant the informationization development and three themes and large enterprises in our country, the common administrative institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises demand for accounting information are analyzed.
Second, analyzing the principle of cloud computing and its influence on accounting information, on the concept and characteristics of cloud computing, service principle and classification of deployment, the influence and the role of accounting information, and cloud computing is analyzed.
Again, analysis of the accounting information system based on cloud computing architecture design, the accounting information system in cloud computing environment three aspects basic architecture, cloud computing environment (large enterprises and administrative institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) several ideas to the choice of accounting information system architecture, and accounting information system under the cloud computing environment build mechanism are analyzed.
Finally, analysis of cloud computing environment problems faced by the accounting information system, accounting information system based on cloud computing environment, system structure of the implementation of the strategies, the conclusion and prospect.
This paper adopted the method of literature study, comparative analysis method and the method of survey, by reading and learning in our country accountant the informationization and the cloud theory, and access to a large number of relevant documents and monographs in this field, analyzed the experience of domestic and foreign scholars and experts in this field, thus induction, summarizes the our country accounting information system in cloud computing environment of architecture design. Cloud computing is popular in recent years development of technical concepts, in the early years didn't have a lot of literature analysis. The domestic correlation analysis, is not very comprehensive, and no more profound Suggestions are put forward. This article from the big enterprises in our country, administrative business, from three aspects of small and medium-sized enterprises, the demand for accounting information, the analysis of cloud accounting relies upon cloud computing architectures, looking for a good architecture options accounting informatization in our country, finally put forward some promotion implementation suggestion. Each link to put forward the new idea.
Key words: accounting information system, system construction, cloud accounting
学位论文原创性声明 1
学位论文版权使用授权书 1
摘 要 1
第1章 引言 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.1.1 选题背景 1
1.1.2 问题的提出 1
1.1.3 研究意义 1
1.2 国内外相关文献综述 2
1.2.1 国外文献综述 2
1.2.2 国内文献综述 3
1.2.3 国内外文献述评 6
1.3 研究方法和思路 6
1.3.1 研究方法 6
1.3.2 研究思路 6
1.4 研究内容和拟解决的主要问题 7
1.5 研究的创新和特色 7
第2章 我国会计信息化发展分析 8
2.1 我国会计信息化发展历程和主题分析 8
2.1.1 我国会计信息化发展历程 8
2.1.2 我国会计信息化发展的主题分析 10
2.2 我国会计信息化的不平衡发展以及对信息化的需求分析 10
2.2.1 大企业单位的需求分析 11
2.2.2 行政事业单位的需求分析 12
2.2.3 中小企业单位的需求分析 12
第3章 云计算的原理、特点及其对会计信息化的影响分析 14
3.1 云计算的原理与特点 14
3.3.1 云计算的原理 14
3.3.2 云计算的特点 16
3.2 云计算对会计信息化的影响与作用分析 17
第4章 基于云计算的会计信息系统的体系结构设计 19
4.1 云计算环境下会计信息系统的基本架构 19
4.2 云计算下的会计信息系统的体系结构构建 22
4.2.1 大企业单位的架构选择 22
4.2.2 行政事业单位的架构选择 24
4.2.3 中小企业单位的架构选择 25
4.2.4 云计算会计信息系统选择的几点意见 27
4.3 云计算环境下的会计信息系统构建机制分析 28
第5章 云计算环境下会计信息系统构建所面临的问题 30
5.1 资金问题 30
5.2 技术问题 30
5.3 安全问题 31
5.4 人才问题 31
笫6章 基于云计算环境下会计信息系统体系结构的实施对策研究 32
6.1 宏观对策 32
6.2 微观对策 33
第7章 结论与展望 35
7.1 结论 35
7.2 展望 35
参考文献 36
致谢 38
附录 1 39 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]