
本文以公立医院财务风险作为研究对象,参考国内外企业财务风险控制体系的研究成果,结合相关财务风险控制的理论概念,通过案例分析、文献研究等方法,对新医改后医药分离制度、住院病人的预存款规定、医院为了自身发展大量举债等现象中公立医院存在的重大财务风险进行全面细致的分析,了解新形势下财务风险控制在实际运用存在的问题及给予的启示,为构建我国公立医院财务风险控制体系提供了参考。 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
关键词: 公立医院 财务风险 财务风险控制体系
With the improvement of people's living quality, the obvious contradiction between the patient's request for medical services and lagging development of the medical market. To alleviate this problem, in 2010 some departments of the ministry of health organization jointly issued the trial reform of public hospitals. As the subject of reform, regardless of the operating environment of the internal and external social environment,public hospitals have changed profoundly. The Reduction of the budget, the aggravation of the market competition and the change of hospital system after the new medical reform makes the financial risk of public hospital gradually, directly affecting the normal operation and development of the hospital. Hospitals do not want to be eliminated, must have financial risk control awareness, including financial risk early warning, control and supervision of financial risks, including the control system, and ultimately achieve the purpose of prevention of financial risks.
With the continuous improvement of China's market economy system, the enterprise managers are beginning to realize the importance of financial risk in corporate finance activities, financial risk control system continues to deepen understanding. But the public hospital as our institutions, long-term funding comes mostly from state funding, lack of enough attention to the financial risk.
Based on public hospital financial risk as the research object, this article refer to domestic and foreign research achievements of enterprise financial risk control system, combined with the related concepts of financial risk and financial risk control, integrated use of case analysis, literature and so on, through to the new reform after the separation of medicine, the hospital patients advance deposit provisions,hospital significant financial risk for their own development present situation in a lot of debt,such as the existence of a public hospital were comprehensive and detailed analysis, to understand the true state of public hospitals, At the same time, the research results of this paper refers to the domestic and foreign enterprise financial risk control system, combining with the related concepts of financial risk and financial risk control methods, comprehensive use of case analysis, literature research, summarized the present situation of financial risk analysis of public hospitals in China are facing and the general method of the financial risk control. [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
The innovation of this paper and the main contribution lies in: mainly use the case analysis to the Z three level of first-class hospital financial risks and control financial risk question, embarks from the reality, in-depth understanding of our country in recent years, the hospital public hospital financial risks that may exist in the reform process, proposed the establishment of the financial risk early warning, prevention, control, supervision, evaluation, a set of sound and complete, practical financial risk control system, reduce the possibility of financial risk happened.
Key words: Public hospital ,Financial risk,Financial risk control system
摘要 3
目录 6
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和研究意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 2
1.2 国内外文献综述 2
1.2.1 企业财务风险控制方面 2
1.2.2 公立医院财务风险控制方面 3
1.3 研究内容和方法 4
1.3.1 研究内容 4
1.3.2 研究方法 4
1.4 主要工作和创新 5
1.5 论文的主要框架 5
第二章 财务风险控制相关理论研究 6
2.1 财务风险理论概述 6
2.1.1 财务风险的定义 6
2.1.2 财务风险的特征 7
2.1.3 影响财务风险的主要因素 9
2.2 财务风险控制概述 11
2.2.1 财务风险控制的目标 11
2.2.2 财务风险控制的主要原则 11
2.3 小结 12
第三章 新形势下我国公立医院财务风险控制现状分析 12
3.1 新形势下我国公立医院面临的财务风险及其原因分析 12
3.1.1 筹资活动受限,资本结构不合理 12
3.1.2 医保延迟支付,导致资金链断裂 12 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
3.1.3 医药分离引发的财务风险 13
3.1.4 政府补助缩减,医院偏离公益性目标 13
3.2 现行公立医院财务风险控制方法 14
3.2.1 事前控制 14
3.2.2 事中控制 14
2.2.3 事后控制 15
3.3 我国公立医院财务风险控制存在的问题分析 15
3.3.1 医院内部人员的财务风险意识薄弱 15
3.3.2 公立医院内部控制制度不健全 16
3.3.3 公立医院财务人员专业素质不高 16
3.3.4 公立医院财务决策不科学,监管力度不严 16
3.4 小结 17
第四章 案例:关于Z医院财务风险存在的问题分析 18
4.1 有关Z医院基本情况概述 18
4.1.1 有关Z医院背景介绍 18
4.1.2 有关 Z医院财务风险情况概述 18
4.2 Z医院财务风险分析 20
4.2.1 外部竞争所引起的财务风险分析 20
4.2.2 筹资融资导致的财务风险分析 20
4.2.3 经营决策风险分析 21
4.2.4 内部控制不完善导致的财务风险分析 21
4.2.5 财务风险控制意识不足引发的财务风险分析 22
第五章 基于Z医院财务风险提出的财务风险控制改进措施 24
5.1 建立全程风险监控预警机制,加强财务风险防范 24
5.2 建立健全内部控制制度,提高医院财务管理水平 25
5.2.1 强化资金调度方面 25
5.2.2 贯彻落实规章制度方面 25
5.2.3 加强成本控制方面 26
5.2.4 优化资本结构方面 26
5.2.5加强预算控制方面 26
5.3 注重财务人员建设,加强内部审计监督 27
5.4 改善医院内部环境,建立科学的决策评价体系 27
5.5小结 28
第六章 结论与展望 29
6.1 结论 29
6.1.1 我国公立医院存在着财务风险 29 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
6.1.2 新形势下,加强财务风险控制是改善医院财务管理的有效措施 29
6.1.3 我国公立医院主要是通过控制、预警、监督、评价方面进行财务风
险管理 29
6.1.4 财务风险的产生有利于公立医院的发展 29
6.1.5 我国公立医院缺乏有效风险控制管理手段 30
6.1.6 我国应加强队公立医院财务风险控制的建设 30
6.2 展望 30
参考文献 31 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]