
本文首先列示了内部控制理论和信贷风险理论为本文的理论基础,介绍了我国小微企业信贷发展情况,并对小微企业信贷风险进行了分类和总结。然后通过A银行太原分行现代装饰城小微专营支行为例,从机构设置和人员配备、贷前信息收集不足、贷中信用评价体系不完善和贷后监控不到位四个方面来分析了该支行信贷风险控制制度中的漏洞和不足,围绕当地地域的经济环境特点,有针对性地提出设置内部审计部门、提升客户经理素质、贷前信息调查技术升级、贷中信用评价系统升级、贷后管理系统完善、延长贷款期限等方面建议,优化该行的小微企业信贷风险控制制度,为解决同类经济欠发达地区小微企业融资问题以及商业银行信贷风险问题做出了进一步研究和探讨。 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
At this stage, China's rapid economic development, support and development of small and micro enterprises in the credit business, and create an effective risk management mechanism is very important significance.In all walks of life, small and micro enterprises accounted for 90% of the total Chinese enterprises,it adds a lot of jobs, and promote China's economic development.Especially in the less developed provinces,big business is rarely small and micro enterprises is the mainstream business,future development of small and micro enterprises related to the fate of the economically underdeveloped regions.Whether small and micro enterprises can successfully financing,determines itsdevelopment.Large loan risk is the mainly reason of difficulty financing,credit risk is still troubled small and micro business groups.For banks,small and micro enterprises are potential customers,development of small and micro-enterprise credit market, they can seize market opportunities,and to enhance their competitiveness.With the implementation of the New Basel Capital Accord,bank capital constraints become more stringent.Efficient credit risk management has become a commercial bank to expand the small and micro enterprises credit business must be solved. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
This article lists the internal control theory and credit risk theory as the theoretical basis,describes the development of small and micro-enterprise credit situation,and summarizes the classification of small and micro-enterprise credit risk.The article take the subbranch bank of modern decoration market in Taiyuan as the example,analysis the vulnerabilities and deficiencies of the credit risk control system,for institutional arrangements and staffing,less information collected before loan,imperfectly system of credit rating and poor monitoring after loan.The article around the local characteristics of the economic environment,puts forward some suggestions,such as set the internal audit department,enhance the quality of staff,improve information technology survey,improve the credit rating system,improve the management system,extend the loan period and so on,optimize the small and micro-enterprise credit risk control system of the bank.Try my best to solve the problem of small micro-enterprise financing and commercial bank credit risk for similar economically underdeveloped areas.
Keywords:small and micro enterprises,credit,risk management
摘要 1
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景及意义 1
1.1.1 选题背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 2
1.2 国内外文献综述 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 2
1.2.2 国内文献综述 4
1.3 研究内容与方法 6
1.3.1 研究内容 6
1.3.2 研究方法 7
1.4 创新点和不足 7
1.4.1 创新点 7
1.4.1 不足 8
第2章 理论依据 9
2.1 内部控制理论 9
2.2 信贷风险控制内涵 9
2.3 小微企业定义及信贷风险种类 9
2.3.1 小微企业界定 9
2.3.2 小微企业信贷风险种类及其特点 10
2.4 小微企业信贷风险控制理论 12 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
2.5 小结 14
第3章 A银行小微企业信贷风险控制现状描述 15
3.1 A银行小微企业信贷业务发展情况 15
3.1.1 A银行简介 15
3.1.2 A银行小微企业信贷业务介绍 15
3.1.3 A银行太原分行现代装饰城小微专营支行信贷业务开展情况 17
3.2 A银行小微企业信贷风险控制建设情况 18
3.2.1 适当的信贷风险管理政策 18
3.2.2 恰当的信贷风险控制技巧 18
3.2.3 多样化的信贷风险控制策略 19
3.2.4 信贷风险管理控制机构设置及业务流程 20
3.2.5 贷前风险控制制度 21
3.2.6 贷中风险控制制度 22
3.2.7 贷后风险管理控制 24
3.3 小结 27
第4章 A银行小微企业信贷风险控制问题及成因分析 28
4.1 机构设置和人员配备中的问题 28
4.1.1 机构设置不健全 28
4.1.2 信贷客户经理素质有待提高 28
4.2 贷前风险控制中的问题 28
4.2.1 客户量大,贷前控制难以有效实施 28
4.2.2 对客户信息收集不足 29
4.3 贷中风险控制中存在的问题 29
4.3.1 贷中信息调查范围过窄 29
4.3.2 贷中信用评级政策缺乏可操作性 29
4.4 贷后风险控制中存在的问题 30
4.4.1 客户经理贷后管理负担重 30
4.4.2 贷款改变用途,影响贷款及时回笼 30
4.3 小结 31
第5章 优化A银行小微信贷风险控制建议 32
5.1 设置内部审计部门 32
5.2 贷前信息调查技术升级 32
5.3 客户经理的素质提升 34
5.4 贷中信息调查范围拓宽 35
5.5 贷中信用评价体系升级 35
5.6 贷后管理升级 36
5.7 贷款到期延长贷款年限 37
5.8 小结 37
第6章 结论与展望 38
1、 结论 38
2、 展望 38
参考文献 39