
摘 要
China's securities market, in the process of economic transition, has seen the unique phenomenon of the splitting formation of tradable shares and non-tradable shares. This phenomenon caused the late start of China’s cash dividend policy and the inequalities in stock holding costs, rights, obligations and risks .Which has caused ignorance of big shareholders over the changes of stock prices and the interests of small investors. These issues have hindered the development of the China’s securities market, interfered with the price mechanism of the securities market and the capital optimization process of listed banks. All of these contribute to the high speculation of the market. The unreasonable stock dividend policies of publicly listed banks have drawn the attention of both investors and the administrators. Due to the lack of the sound stock dividend policy, a healthy investment return mechanism has not been established.
There have been controversies in China’s cash dividend policy for listed companies. These controversies regard cash dividend policies of publicly traded banks caused long term development problem of these banks and thus received heated discussions in the academic field. This paper explores the correlation between the cash dividend policies and the overall performance of multiple publicly traded banks by analyzing the cash dividend policies of multiple publicly traded banks in the past ten years. Based on the results of data analysis, a complete database will be established and suggestions will be provided in regards to the long term development of publicly traded banks and the steady development of Chinese securities as a whole.
The sources of this study is from the bank listed companies information network, Chinese statistics Network and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Merchants Bank, China Construction Bank, Bank of China and other sixteen banks listed companies’ financial statements, and arguments of this paper are most from the analysis of the data related to this paper. This paper established a set of simultaneous equations model, including cash dividends and corporate performance, in order to control the endogenous variables, the use of its three-stage least squares estimation. Between the years 2005 to 2014, sixteen banks in Shanghai and Shenzhen listed companies’ cash dividends and performance data extracted, through under controlled conditions under a three-stage variable simultaneous equations model method of least squares estimator, Chinese banks listed out cash dividends and dividend performances show a positive correlation, indicating that as the portion of cash dividends increased, performance also plays an active role. The dividend increase in the proportion of cash dividends and the improvement of bank listed company's operating profit, having a stimulating effect on investors . Through the further comparison and analyzing for the conclusions of the study, this study aims to put forward more targeted and normative recommendations. This study has far-reaching impact on the entire banking listed company’s dividend cash dividend policy and the company's long-term growth performance. It also gives some reference suggestions for the bank listed companies cash dividend policy and banking Incentives related with the basis of performance of listed companies. [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Keywords: Bank Listing Corporation,Cash dividend policy dividend,The performance of the company,Relevance
学位论文原创性声明 1
学位论文版权使用授权书 1
摘 要 1
第1章 引言 1
1.1 研究背景、目的和意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究目的 2
1.1.3 研究意义 2
1.2 文献综述 2
第2章 我国银行类上市公司分红问题 6
2.1 不分配现象依然存在 6
2.2 股利现金分红比例低 6
2.3 不分红和股利现金分红比例低的原因 9
第3章 我国银行类上市公司的绩效问题 12
3.1 银行绩效概论 12
3.1.1 银行绩效的定义 12
3.1.2 银行绩效考核的目的 13
3.1.3 银行绩效考核体系现状 14
3.1.4 银行绩效考核的意义 15
3.2 16家银行类上市公司股利现金分红与绩效数据的关系 16
3.2.1 16家银行的绩效指标 16
3.2.2 16家银行类上市公司股利现金分红与公司绩效理论的关系 17
3.2.3 16家银行类上市公司股利现金分红与公司绩效数据的关系 17
第4章 案例分析并建立模型 19
4.1 银行类上市公司建模的类型 19
4.2 银行类上市公司建模的概述 20
4.2.1 联立方程组模型的定义 20
4.2.2 联立方程组模型中存在的偏倚性 21
4.2.3 联立方程组模型概念的说明 23
4.2.4 三阶段最小二乘法(3SLS) 24
4.3 银行类上市公司模型建立 26
4.3.1 研究假设 26
4.3.2 样本选取及数据来源 27
4.3.3 银行类上市公司建模过程 28
第5章 研究结论及建议 32 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
5.1 研究结论 32
5.1.1 图形基本分析 32
5.1.2 公式基本分析 32
5.1.3 相关性分析 32
5.1.4 结论 33
5.2 研究建议 33
5.2.1 优化股权结构 33
5.2.2 完善法律制度 34
5.2.3 加强信息披露 35
5.2.4 发挥好经济的杠杆作用 36
5.2.5管理层分红集中 36
5.2.6 股利现金分红和债券利息 37
5.3 研究局限 37
5.3.1 数据局限性 37
5.3.2 因素局限性 38
参考文献 39 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]