
摘 要
该论文分为五个章节: 第一章起导入作用,用简洁、精炼的语言论述了文章的研究背景、目的、意义及研究方法等,让读者了解笔者为什么要进行我国社会保障基金投资运营研究,以及国内外一些学者对社保基金的研究成果。第二章主要对下文有指导意义的相关概念和理论做了简单的介绍。第三章开始进入本文的主体部分,本章主要以山西省为例分析中国国家社会保障基金投资的现状及存在的问题,投资规模受限、投资收益率低、投资收益稳定性差和投资运营缺乏强有力的监管,并对其原因进行了分析。第四章选用了具有代表性的三个国家的社会保障基金投资运营管理方法并比较了它们各自的优劣,从中获得启示运用到我国投资运营实践中。第五章是对策篇,立足基本国情,学习国外成功经验,吸取国外教训,提出了解决我国现存问题的对策。最后对本文进行了总结。
The livelihood of the people question is closely related to people’s life, the main performance in food and live line, pension treatment on the necessary living like their children’s education. Whether have enough to eat, whether to wear warm, whether there is room for, old age life is guaranteed, the doctor is difficult, children have to learn on the social security problems, it is also the basic livelihood issues, but also a safety net, his every knot affects people’s nerves. At present, our country social security especially the basic endowment insurance and medical insurance to achieve full coverage, it brings the social security fund to pay a huge pressure. How to do the social security fund this bread, deal with the upcoming payment crisis, is a problem we must face. Now, our country also in the social security fund investment, but investment developed, makes a single narrow investment channels, investment mode, profitability also does not have the desired effect. So our country must learn from abroad, the road to explore a scientific and rational investment, solve the trouble back at home.
This paper consists of five parts: the first chapter is the full text of the starting part, the paper focuses on the research background, purpose and significance, research methods such as general content, let the reader understand why the author of China's social security fund investment operation research, some scholars both at home and abroad research achievements of the social security fund. The second chapter mainly introduced in this paper, by use of some related concepts and theoretical basis. Third chapter began to enter into the main part of the article, this chapter mainly altogether for the Shanxi Province as an example, and analyzes the social security fund investment operation management, the problems of limited investment scale, low investment yield, yield stability and regulation of operating the absence of strong investment, and analyzes its reason. Chapter four chooses the three representative national social security fund investment operation management methods and compares their advantages and disadvantages, gain enlightenment applied to the practice of China's investment operations. Chapter v of the chapter according to China's social security fund investment operation problems, draw lessons from foreign experience, based on the country's basic national conditions put forward the countermeasures. Finally, this article has carried on the summary. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
Key words: the social security, investment operation, the value, countermeasures
目 录
学位论文原创性声明 1
学位论文版权使用授权书 1
摘 要 1
第一章 绪论 5
1.1 研究背景及意义 5
1.2 文献综述 6
1.2.1 国内文献综述 6
1.2.2 国外文献综述 7
1.3 研究思路和方法 9
1.3.1 研究思路 9
1.3.2 研究方法 9
1.4 创新点 9
1.5 论文结构 10
第二章 社会保障基金投资运营的理论概述 12
2.1 社会保障基金概述 12
2.1.1 社会保障基金的概念 12
2.1.2 社会保障基金的种类 12
2.1.3 社会保障基金的特点 12
2.1.4 社会保障基金的功能 13
2.2 社会保障基金投资运营理论概述 15
2.2.1 社会保障基金投资运营的含义 15
2.2.2 社会保障基金投资的原则 16
2.2.3 社会保障基金投资运营的意义 17
2.3 我国社会保障基金投资运营的必要性 18
3.3.1 人口老龄化、社保待遇标准的提高加大了基金支出 18
3.3.2 扩面空间和提高费率的限制导致财政负担逐渐加重 18
3.3.3 通货膨胀将使社保基金存在不断贬值的风险 19
2.4 小结 19
第三章 我国社会保障基金投资运营存在的问题及原因 21
3.1 社会保障基金的投资规模受限 21
3.1.1 社会保险经办机构征缴办法不规范造成欠费现象严重 21
3.1.2 部分企业通过少报缴费基数等方式少缴社会保险费 22
3.1.3 用人单位未按规定为职工办理社会保险 22
3.2 社会保障基金投资收益率低下,保值增值困难 22
3.2.1 面临通货膨胀风险侵蚀 23 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
3.2.2 投资渠道单一 24
3.3 我国社会保障基金投资收益稳定性差 25
3.3.1 证券市场结构发育畸形 25
3.3.2 我国证券市场监管部门的市场执法和监管不到位 25
3.3.3 部分收益稳定的朝阳产业被忽视 26
3.4社会保障基金的投资运营缺乏强有力的监管 26
3.4.1 与社会保障基金投资运营监管相关的法制建设相对滞后 27
3.4.2 公众对社保基金投资运营的监督作用没有得到充分发挥 27
3.5 小结 27
第四章 国外社会保障基金投资运营管理的状况及其启示 28
4.1 日本社会保障基金的投资运营的管理 28
4.2 智利社会保障基金的投资运营的管理 30
4.3 新加坡社会保障基金投资运营的管理 32
4.4 国外社会保障基金投资运营对我国的启示 33
4.5 小结 34
第五章 完善我国社保基金投资运营的管理对策 36 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
5.1关于解决社保基金投资规模问题的对策 36
5.2 加强社保基金保值增值能力的对策 36
5.2.1 立足我国现实,建立社会保障基金的分层管理模式 36
5.2.2 建立社会保障基金专业投资机构,实现投资方式多元化 37
5.2.3 进一步明确社保资金执行优惠利率涉及单位的责任 37
5.2.4 进一步规范社保基金投资运营机制 37
5.3 加强社保基金投资收益稳定性的对策 37
5.3.1 实施股票发行上市的核准制度,加快非公有制企业上市的步伐 37
5.3.2 监管部门应加强对注册会计师审计的监管力度 38
5.3.3 加强对上市公司信息披露的监管 38
5.3.4 慎重选择社保基金的投资对象 39
5.4 加强对社保基金投资运营监管的对策 41
5.4.1 加强专项立法、提高立法层次 41
5.4.2 加快提高公众参与监督的意识 41
结论 42
参考文献 42