
摘 要
关键词: 民营航运企业 境外期租融资 融资租赁 财务决策
Since the reform and opening up, the development of private economy is far beyond the average level of national economy situation. China's shipping industry is growing gradually in this case. The huge demand of international trade directly led to the development of China's shipping industry. China's shipping enterprise system was mainly composed of national and local state-owned enterprises, but after the reform and opening up, the amount of private enterprises in shipping industry is now fifty percent. In the dynamic development of shipping, private companies are in urgent need of money to expand the scale.
This article analysis offshore time-charter lease financing, comparing with the way of financing lease. Suggestions are put forward for private shipping company's financing.The example of company A has a successful experience on offshore time-charter lease financing case, so that the analysis of this case will be a model for other companies. The analysis contains keynotes and procedures, as well as financial decisions.It also provides the reason why the case is successful and what to be learned by others.This paper has gone through the literature review related enterprise financing and shipping companies operation research results, followed by respectively discussion about the shipping time-chartering and the theoretical basis of lease financing.And the specific case study finally come to the conclusion that private shipping companies should concentrate the selection of financing methods, according to their own conditions and economic environment for financing decisions. [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
In this paper, the research method is the analysis of cases and theoretical argument. The innovation point lies in the purpose which is to make private shipping enterprises pay attention to offshore time-charter lease financing. Besides, we would like to give private shipping companies a chance to reconsider their domestic and international economy situation,allowing themselves a better survival and development space.
Key Words: Private shipping company; Offshore time-charter lease financing; Financing lease; Financial decisions
目 录
学位论文原创性声明 3
学位论文版权使用授权书 4
摘 要 5
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2文献综述 4
1.3 论文的创新点 7
1.4 研究内容 7
1.5 研究方法 8
第2章 相关理论基础 8
2.1 融资 8
2.1.1融资的含义 8
2.1.2 融资的目的 9
2.1.3融资的方式 9
2.1.4 中小企业常用融资方式 11
2.2 航运 13
2.2.1航运的含义 13
2.2.2航运运输方式分类 13
2.2.3不定期船运输方式的特点 16
2.2.4不定期船运输方式的性质 17
2.3 境外期租融资 17
2.3.1境外期租融资的含义 17
2.3.2融资租赁的含义 18
2.3.3船舶期租融资与船舶融资租赁的关系 19
2.3.4 境外期租融资的优势 20
2.4 本章小结 24
第3章 A公司境外期租融资的案例 24
3.1 案例背景 24
3.2 A公司的境外期租融资 24
3.2.1 境外期租融资实例 25
3.2.2 境外期租融资模式的构建 26 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
3.3 A公司境外期租融资案例分析 29
3.3.1 A公司境外期租融资成功实现的关键点 30
3.3.2境外期租融资依据的主要法律文本 32
3.4 A公司境外期租融资的财务决策 35
3.5 本章小结 38
第4章 对我国民营航运企业境外期租融资的建议 38
4.1 交船前的风险分析及防范方法 38
4.2交船后的风险分析及防范方法 39
4.3 本章小结 40
第5章 结论及启示 40
主要参考文献 44
致谢 46 [来源:http://Doc163.com]