
摘 要
Executive compensation incentive is an important mechanism of modern enterprises to solve the problem of agency, moreover, to facilitate the development of the enterprise. It is also the hot spot that has been concerned among the practitioners and theorists . Scientific and reasonable compensation contract system can effectively mobilize executive’s enthusiasm and initiative, make the company interests and personal interests tend to be consistent, then, a win-win situation could be formed. However, it has also lead to a phenomenon that some executives manipulate the company earnings to maximize personal benefits. Thus,the management of executive compensation and earnings turned into a hot issue. In our country, it becomes increasingly common for listed companies to manage the earnings and CPA audit is an important supervisory power against this behavior. In this paper, the samples are A-share listed companies which the 2011-2013 Annual Report had been given non-standard audit opinions. Meanwhile, the paper use Logistic Regression analysis and Multiple Linear Regression to study the relationship among executive compensation,earnings management and audit opinions.The innovation of this paper lies in the selection of research perspectives and methods: most previous research only made a separate study of the connection between executive compensation or earnings management and auditing opinions.Still, this paper focused on the effect of executive pay and earnings management on audit opinions at the same time. In this paper, the concept of the executive pay innovative includes short term executive compensation, long term executive compensation and executive recessive income, which makes a more comprehensive study of how executive compensation incentive effect executive behavior. Meantime, in order to make the conclusion more convinced,non-recurring loss ratio net profit and controllable accrued profit was considered as criterion of earnings management , and different model was selected to measure controllable accrued profit , which was for robustness test. Finally concluded the followings: executive compensation and non-standard audit opinions shows a significant negative correlation, which indicated that executive compensation has positive effect on listed companies. On the contrary, the connection between earnings management and non-standard audit opinions appears to be a positive correlation, which means that CPA can tell earnings management of listed companies in some degree.
Keywords: executive compensation; earnings management; discretionary accruals; non-standard audit opinion
学位论文原创性声明 1
学位论文版权使用授权书 2
摘 要 1
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外文献综述 2
1.3 研究内容与方法 5
1.3.1 研究内容 5
1.3.2 研究方法 5
1.3.3 研究思路 5
1.4 创新点 6
1.4.1 研究视角 6
1.4.2 研究方法 6
1.5 论文的基本框架 7
第二章 概念界定与理论分析 8
2.1 概念界定 8
2.1.3 审计意见 9
2.2 理论分析与假设 10
2.2.1 理论基础 10
2.2.2 理论分析与假设 11
第三章 研究设计 13
3.1 变量设定 13
3.2 模型设定 16
3.3 样本选取及数据来源 20
第四章 实证分析 21
4.1 描述性分析 21
4.1.1 2013年指标描述性分析 21
4.1.2 2012年指标描述性分析 24
4.1.3 2011年指标描述性分析 26
4.2 实证分析 27
4.2.1 指标显著性检验 27
4.2.3 稳健性检验 38
4.4 小结 39
第五章 问题及建议 40
5.1 发现的问题 40
5.2 原因分析 40
5.3 相关建议 41
第六章 研究结论和局限 42
6.1 研究结论 42
6.2研究局限 42
参考文献 44
致谢 46