摘 要
15-storey commercial complex design of automatic fire alarm system
In recent years, with the continuous deepening of urbanization in China, urban buildings are increasing and the height of buildings is increasing. As a result, high-rise buildings are becoming more and more dense in modern cities. What’s more, they are becoming more and more intensive. In addition, the structure of high-rise buildings are becoming more complex and complicated. And also the number of electrical equipment is keeping on increasing, which increases the risk of the building fires. In the event of a fire, the consequences will be hard to imagine. Therefore, it is of great importance to fix up a complete set of fire automatic alarm and firefighting interlock system in the buildings. Thus, the fire can be extinguished in time in the early stage to prevent the fire from further spreading so as to reduce the loss of life and property caused by the fire.
Taking a 15-storey commercial complex as an example in this paper, I designed an automatic fire alarm system for the building. Firstly, the development of automatic fire alarm system was introduced. Then the components and functions of the automatic fire alarm system were described in detail. At last, the form of automatic fire alarm system used in this project, the type, fire detectors and the manual fire alarm buttons were all chosen and designed with great care to make them conform to the design specifications. [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
Key Words: Automatic alarm; Linkage control; Fire detector; High-rise building
目 录
摘 要 I [来源:http://Doc163.com]
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 国内外火灾自动报警技术的研究现状 1
第二章 火灾自动报警系统的工作原理及系统组成 4
2.1工作原理 4
2.2系统组成及其功能 4
第三章 工程概况及系统设备选择 6
3.1工程概况 6
3.2 设计内容 6
3.3 设计依据 6
3.4 系统设备选择 7
第四章 系统设计 9
4.1 防火分区定义及划分 9
4.2 报警区域定义及划分 10
4.3 探测区域概念及划分 10
4.4 火灾探测器的设计 10
4.4 手动火灾报警按钮的设计 14
4.5 声光警报装置 14
4.6 消防应急广播的设计 15
4.7 消防专用电话的设计 16
4.8 联动控制设计 16 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
4.8.1 自动喷水灭火系统的联动控制设计 16
4.8.2 消火栓系统的联动控制设计 16
4.8.3 防排烟系统的联动控制设计 17
4.8.4 电梯的联动控制设计 17
4.8.5 其他联动控制设计 17
4.9 消防控制室设计 18
4.10系统布线设计 18
4.11 项目设计相关数据 18
小结 19
参考文献 20