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关键词:加油站  安全设计  有害因素 安全评价

Gas station safety design
Gas stations are an important place for storing and selling oil products. With the rapid development of China's economy, private cars have become an essential means of transportation for people to travel. Therefore, the construction of modern gas stations has developed rapidly and the scale has been expanding. Gas stations have become cities. An important part of infrastructure. This design firstly designs the tanks, tankers, submersible pumps and refueling islands according to the requirements of the oil station oil supply according to the "Code for Design and Construction of Refueling Stations", and then compares with the "Code for Design and Construction of Refueling Stations". Set the fire separation distance of the building inside and outside the station to determine the layout, and then carry out fireproof, explosion-proof, anti-static and fire-fighting design according to the equipment of the gas station. Finally, identify the dangerous source of the gas station and determine the hazard factors. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the gas station by pre-hazard analysis and fire and explosion hazard index method.


Key words:Gas station;safety design;harmful factors;safety evaluation



摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 引言    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2研究目的及意义    1
1.2.1研究目的    1
1.2.2研究意义    1
1.3研究现状    2
1.4设计内容    3
1.4.1加油站工艺设计    3
1.4.2总平面布局    3
1.4.3安全设计    3
1.4.4危险源辨识以及安全评价    3
第二章 加油站设计    4
2.1加油站等级划分    4
2.2加油站生产工艺流程    4
2.2.1卸油工艺    5
2.2.2加油工艺    5
2.3储罐设计    6 [来源:]
2.4油泵的选用    8
2.5加油机设计    9
2.5.1加油枪设计    9
2.5.2油气回收装置    9
2.6加油岛设计    10
第三章加油站平面设计    11
3.1加油站概况    11
3.1.1加油站周边关系    11
3.1.2气候条件    11
3.1.3加油站防火间距    12
3.2加油站耐火等级确定    13
3.3 加油站总平面布置    14
3.3.1围墙高度    14
3.3.2站内防火间距    14
第四章 加油站安全设计    17
4.1防火设计    17
4.1.1储罐防火设计    17
4.1.2加油机防火设计    17
4.1.3管线防火设计    17
4.1.4防人为点燃的明火设计    17
4.2防爆设计    18
4.2.1加油机防爆    18
4.2.2电器防爆设计    18


4.3防雷设计    19
4.3.1储罐防雷    19
4.3.2加油机防雷    19
4.3.3站房及罩棚防雷    19
4.4防静电设计    19
4.4.1储罐防静电设计    19
4.4.2加油机防静电设计    19
4.4.3卸油防静电    20
4.4.4防静电工作服    20
4.5消防设计    20
4.5.1消防通道设计    20
4.5.2灭火器的配备    20
4.6其他设计    22
4.6.1防溢漏设计    22
4.6.2防上浮设计    22
第五章加油站危险有害因素辨识    23
5.1重大危险源辨识    23
5.2加油站危险、有害因素辨识    23
5.2.1物料因素    24
5.2.2设备因素    24
5.2.3操作因素    26
5.2.4管理因素    28
5.2.5环境因素    29


第六章加油站安全评价    30
6.1安全评价的选取    30
6.2预先危险性分析    30
6.3火灾爆炸危险指数评价法    32
6.3.1工艺单元选择    32
6.3.2初步单元评价    33
6.3.3实际暴露区域计算    34
第七章结论与展望    36
7.1主要结论    36
7.2展望    36
参考文献    38 [来源:]

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