
Trust system of cross-border B2BE-commerce, which focus on how to evaluate the trust correlations between buyers and suppliers from the start of negation to order fulfillment, is an important application of traditional research on E-commerce trust. Different from original B2C model, it should deal with some crucial features such as customized sourcing, organization decision making and complex trading process. Due to the trading data is hardly collected, existing evaluation methods based on buyer feedbacks and satisfaction data do not lead to good performance. Previous studies indicates that it is significant to select and define the right factors which may influence trust evaluation.To handle this challenge issue of B2B E-commerce trust, this paper conducts a deeper study and the major contributions are three-fold: [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
Present the evolution model of B2B E-commerce and summarize why the system needs trust. This paper firstly propose the problem definition. Then we formally give a detailed description on the evolution trend of B2B E-commerce, describing the key values in each three phase respectively. It reveals that in the latest phase marked by online trading, the most important factor is trust.
Select and define the key factors influencing trust of B2B E-commerce. This paper illuminates that the trust strategy is the right one to complete profit maximization in terms of game theory in B2B E-commerce. It also presents three principles for selecting key trust factors. Based on this, this paper formally propose the four key trust elements, giving the detailed definitions and analysis, and also present a flywheel model to describe the mutual promoting relationship among these factors.
Set up the raw trust model of cross-border B2B E-commerce. This paperfirstly analyzes the pros and cons of original models. For best practices, it proposes an analytic hierarchy process based approach. This method uses multi-parameters of trust elements, calculatesand confirms their weights. At last, this paper gives two specific examplesfor practice using the trust model mentioned above.
Key Words:Cross-border Trading, B2B, E-commerce, Trust System
致谢 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
1 绪论 1
1.1 B2B跨境贸易综述 1
1.1.1 B2B跨境贸易的用户分类 1
1.1.2B2B跨境贸易的流程及链路 3
1.1.3跨境贸易B2B和B2C的典型区别 5
1.2基于跨境贸易的B2B电子商务 6
1.2.1 B2B跨境贸易的电商化演进 7
1.2.2跨境贸易B2B电商的典型模式 8
1.2.3跨境贸易B2B电商平台的五层模型 11
1.2.4跨境贸易B2B电商面临的挑战 12
1.3文章研究的主要内容与贡献 12
1.4文章的组织与结构 13
2基于跨境B2B电商信任体系的研究与现状 15
2.1跨境贸易B2B电商信任体系研究的对象和意义 15
2.1.1跨境贸易B2B电商信任体系研究的对象 15
2.1.2跨境贸易B2B电商信任体系研究的意义 16
2.2跨境贸易B2B电商信任体系研究的难点与现状 16
2.2.1 跨境贸易B2B电商信任体系研究的难点 16
2.2.2 跨境贸易B2B电商信任体系研究的现状 19
2.3本章小结 21
3 跨境贸易B2B电商信任要素的相关分析 22
3.1 跨境B2B电商中信任的博弈关系 22
3.1.1 基于信息平台的一次信任博弈 22
3.1.1 基于交易平台的重复信任博弈 23
3.2 跨境B2B电商中影响信任的关键要素 24
3.2.1 基于数据化用户路径获取关键信任要素 25
3.2.1 经验资质 26
3.2.2 洽谈沟通 27
3.2.3合同成单 29
3.2.4 履约保障 29
3.3 跨境B2B电商关键信任要素的飞轮模型 31
3.4 本章小结 34
4 基于跨境贸易的B2B电商的信任体系模型 35 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
4.1构建B2B电商信任模型的一般方法 35
4.2 基于层次分析法构建跨境B2B电商信任体系模型 36
4.2.1 构建层次结构模型 36
4.2.2生成判断矩阵 36
4.2.3 计算信任体系模型的权重 37
4.3 模型的应用和实践 39
4.3.1 优质供应商分层 39
4.3.2 供应商搜索排序优化 40
4.4 本章小结 41
5 结论与建议 42
5.1 研究结论 42
5.2后续工作与展望 42
参考文献 44