摘 要
如今日益成熟的模锻电液锤技术,已成为我国锻造行业节能增效、降低成本的一大捷径。电液锤具有能量利用率高( 节能在90%以上) 、操作方便、简化动力装置、无污染、节约水资源、等优点。液压系统是电液锤的关键组成部分, 是完成电液锤工作循环和决定电液锤性能优劣的核心环节。所以设计出一个合理、高效、动作灵活的液压系统对提高电液锤的工作性能具有重要意义。1T电液锤是大型锻件的重要加工设备。针对1T电液锤工况要求和电液锤的工作原理,作一简单介绍,重点阐述电液锤液压系统的设计和实现。设计了以蓄能器、擂装阀和气液缸为主要元件的1T电液锤液压系统。系统具有恒压、大流量、打击能量大、结构简单等特点。实践证明,系统工作可靠、节能环保,完全满足锻压加工生产的要求。
关键词:电液锤 液压系统 设计
The design on hydraulic system of 1T electro-hydraulic hammer
Electro-hydraulic hammer technology become more and more sophisticated, it has become a kind of forging industry for our country, which have energy efficiency, and reduce the cost. The electro-hydraulic hammer have many advantages, like high energy efficiency (energy in more than 90%), easy operation, simplified power plant, no pollution, conserve water resources. The hydraulic system is a key component of the electro-hydraulic hammer to complete the cycle of electro-hydraulic hammer and decisions of the performance advantages and disadvantages of the electro-hydraulic hammer core areas. Design a reasonable, efficient and flexible movement of the hydraulic system has an important significance to improve the performance of the electro-hydraulic hammer. 1T electro-hydraulic hammer is a large forgings processing equipment. 1T electro-hydraulic hammer conditions required and the working principle of the electro-hydraulic hammer; make a brief introduction, focuses on the design and implementation of the electro-hydraulic hammer hydraulic system. Design of the accumulator, the grind in valve and the gas-liquid cylinder as the main components of the 1T electro-hydraulic hammer hydraulic system. This system has many characteristics, just like constant pressure, big flow, energy big blow, simple structure and so on. Practice has proved that the system is reliable, energy saving, fully meet the requirements of the forging processing. [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
Key Words: electro-hydraulic hammer hydraulic system design
目 录
摘 要 Ⅰ
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1电液锤的发展现状 1
1.2电液锤的结构 4
1.3电液锤工作原理 5
第二章 1T模锻电液锤液压设计任务 7
2.1电液锤液压设计的设计内容 7
2.2电液锤液压设计的设计要求 8
第三章 1T模锻电液锤液压系统设计 9
3.1 1T电液锤液压系统设计 9
3.2 1T电液锤液压系统主要元件的设计与计算 12
3.3 1T电液锤液压泵站设计 17
小结 19
参考文献 20
致 谢 22