关键词:弧形闸门 启闭机 液压系统 PLC
Design of the Control System for the Hydraulic Cylinder Gate Hoist
Gate control system is an important component part of reservoir engineering. with the continuous development of automatic control, communication and computer technology , by the gate of artificial operation, the control means and methods has been increasingly don’t adopt to the requirement of the water resources normalization.
The design of hydraulic components by specific selection, design a hoist hydraulic system after understanding the hydraulic schematic diagram.
Firstly, the design of access to information on the work principle of the gate structure to a certain extent and the degree of development of a certain degree of understanding, Then, according to the flow and the pressure of the task book to calculate the design of the motor, Drawing oil pump motor operating system operating system principle diagram, and then select the appropriate low-voltage electrical appliances and sensors. Understand the working principle of hydraulic system and select the appropriate hydraulic components.
This design introduces the PLC-based S7-200PLC gate hydraulic the hoist control system ,replacing the traditional relay and contactor control system。Understanding the application of PLC to select the appropriate PLC module, and drawing the I/O interface, and programming design for positive and negative of motor.
Key words: Gate; Hoist; Hydraulic system; PLC
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 引言 1
1.1背景 1
1.2.设计的主要内容 2
第2章 闸门及工作原理 4
2.1 水工闸门 4
2.2闸门选择 4
2.3弧形闸门工作原理 4
2.4小结 5
第3章 液压系统设计 6
3.1液压系统 6
3.2工作原理 6
3.3液压元器件选型 7
3.3.1油箱 7
3.3.2吸油滤油器 8
3.3.3电磁溢流阀 9
3.3.4弹簧压力表 10
3.3.5油缸 10
3.3.6球阀 10
3.3.7压力继电器 11
3.3.8液控单向阀 12
图3-9 液控单向阀 12
3.3.9换向阀 12
3.4小结 14
第4章 油泵电机控制设计 15
4.1油泵电机的选择 15 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
4.1.1系统设计参数 15
4.2油泵电机控制原理图 16
4.3控制电路中低压电器的选型 17
4.3.1热继电器 17
4.3.2熔断器 17
4.3.3交流接触器KM选择 19
4.3.4三相刀开关QS 20
4.3.5.空气开关QF 20
4.4传感器选择 21
4.4.1油箱温度传感器 21
4.4.2.压力传感器 22
4.4..3电压传感器 24
4.4.4液位传感器 25
4.5小结 27
第5章 PLC控制系统设计 28
5.1 PLC概述 28
5.2 SIEMENS PLC 模块选择及简介 29
5.2.1PLC模块选择 29
5.2.2 PLC模块的简介 30
5.3PLCI/0分配及接口图 30
图5-1 I/O接口图 30
5.3.1PLCI/O分配 31
5.4编程 32
5.5流程图 34
5.6控制面板图 35
5.7小结 36
参考文献 37
致谢 39