
Optimization and Simulation Design of Commonly Used Mechanisms (Parts) -- Connecting Rod Design
In the long river of human development, machinery plays a very important role. As an important part of the organization, the status of the machinery is not to be questioned. Therefore, the institution has become a part of the study that we have to study vigorously in the process of production. This paper first outlines the development of mechanism, and gives some introductions and explanations to MATLAB software at the same time. The use of MATLAB is mainly based on programming and GUI design, and functional programming is also used on the basis of logic programming.
In the study of institutions, in addition to the overview of institutional science, the focus is mainly on the introduction of the connecting rod and the solution of its problems. Through six basic problems and three optimization problems, most of the problems often encountered in production are solved in general in order to improve the production efficiency.
Using MATLAB and other optimization software to solve the problem of mechanical design has become the mainstream design thought. The flexibility of MATLAB and other software coincides with the variability of mechanical problems, and can be greatly facilitated in production.
The design mainly takes digital production as the main idea. Through the flexible use of MATLAB software, the connecting rod problem is different according to its classification. Many practical and flexible procedures can be obtained, and the design and optimization of other parts can be carried out on the basis of this design. I hope that by reading this article, you can better understand the way MATLAB combines with machinery and use it.
Key words: mechanism; connecting rod; MATLAB; optimization

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章绪论 1
1.1 机构学的概念与发展 1
1.1.1机构学的概念与地位 1
1.1.2 机构学的发展与成果 1
1.1.3 机构学的未来 3
1.2 MATLAB的介绍 3
1.2.1 MATLAB的基础功能 3
1.2.2 MATLAB的优化 4
1.3 课题介绍和内容安排 5
第二章连杆机构常用设计方法 6
2.1 连杆机构的介绍 6
2.2 连杆机构的设计方法 7
2.2.1 图解法 7
2.2.2 解析法 7
2.3 连杆机构的优化方法 8
2.3.1 优化函数的含义 8
2.3.2 优化函数的使用 8
第三章铰链四杆机构的设计 10
3.1 铰链四杆机构的常规设计 10
3.1.1 已知连架杆BC三个角度设计四杆机构 10 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
3.1.2 连杆位置用连杆平面上任意两点MN表示设计四杆机构 14
3.1.3 已知三组主从动件对应角位移设计四杆机构 17
3.1.4 只给定机架长度先选择类型再设计四杆结构 21
3.1.5 已知行程速比、摆角、及最小传动角设计四杆结构 25
3.2 铰链四杆机构的优化设计 28
3.2.1 预先规定四杆机构运动轨迹的优化设计 28
3.2.2 预先规定连杆运动函数的优化设计 33
第四章曲柄滑块机构设计 39
4.1 曲柄滑块机构的常规设计 39
4.2 曲柄滑块机构的优化设计 41
第五章铰链四杆机构的运动分析与仿真 44
5.1 铰链四杆机构的运动方程 44
5.2 铰链四杆机构的仿真编程 45
第六章曲柄滑块机构的运动分析及仿真 47
6.1 曲柄滑块机构的运动方程 47
6.2 曲柄滑块机构的仿真编程 48
第七章发动机曲柄活塞机构的Pro/E三维建模 50 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
7.1 三维模型零件的设计 50
7.2 三维模型组件的组装 52
第八章连杆机构软件包的经济学分析 56
8.1 连杆机构软件市场分析 56
8.2 连杆机构包成本核算 57
第九章总结与展望 58
参考文献 60
附录1 已知连架杆BC三个角度设计四杆机构M文件 62
附录2 连杆位置用连杆平面上任意两点MN表示设计四杆机构M文件 64
附录3 已知三组主从动件对应角位移设计四杆机构M文件 65
附录4 只给定机架长度先选择类型再设计四杆结构M文件 66
附录5 已知行程速比、摆角、及最小传动角设计四杆结构M文件 71
附录6 铰链四杆机构的运动分析与仿真M文件 72
附录7 预先规定四杆机构运动轨迹的优化设计M文件 75
附录8 预先规定四杆机构运动函数的优化设计M文件 77
附录9 曲柄滑块机构的常规设计M文件 79
附录10 曲柄滑块机构的优化设计M文件 80
附录11 曲柄滑块机构的运动分析与仿真M文件 81
致谢 84