
关键词: 智能化设计 消防 安防 综合布线
Design of intelligent system for a building of science and technology
The graduation design is a technology building intelligent system design, taking into account the actual needs,,the design of the main set of automatic fire alarm and fire control systems, security systems, integrated wiring systems and other systems.
Automatic fire alarm and fire linkage control system design includes automatic fire alarm system design, fire linkage control system design. The fire control room set in building a layer: the system adopts centralized alarm system, and generally set smoke detector. When there is a fire, the fire linkage system can timely initiation of a variety of fire equipment; for example, spray pump, positive pressure air supply blower, fire hydrant, exhaust fan.
Security system design, including the design of video monitor system, intrusion alarm design, design and access control and the design of electronic patrol. The security design: video surveillance system using digital design; access control subsystem using single double access controller; the anti-theft alarm subsystem arrangement mode of the bus. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
Integrated wiring design includes the design of the network system and telephone system. The main selection of 12 core multimode fiber, the working area of the selection of UTP-6 cable, transmission of information for the data and voice.
Key words: intelligent design, fire protection, integrated wiring
本工程为某办公科技大厦项目(地上 17 层,其中9层自用,8层外租,地下1层),建筑面积为33807.1平方米,其中地上建筑面积28249.4平方米,由裙楼2 层、主楼17 层组成;地下建筑面积5557.7平方米。一层高5.6m,二层高4.5m,其余楼层高4.1m。

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1项目概述 1
1.2设计依据 1
1.3设计内容 2
1.4各系统设计简介 2
1.4.1火灾自动报警与消防联动控制系统 2
1.4.2安全防范系统 3
1.4.3综合布线系统 3
第二章 火灾自动报警与消防联动控制系统 5
2.1系统概述 5
2.2设计原则 5
2.3方案设计 5
2.4系统设计 6
2.4.1系统结构 6
2.4.2消防控制室的位置和面积 6
2.4.3探测器的设置部位、种类选择及数量计算 7 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
2.4.4火灾报警按钮的设置 9
2.4.5火灾应急广播与消防通信 9
2.4.6消防联动设计 9
2.4.7设备选择 10
2.4.8消防线路的选择和敷设 11
2.5注意事项 11
第三章安全防范系统 11
3.1系统概述 12
3.2设计原则 13
3.3系统方案 13
3.3.1视频监控系统 13
3.3.2入侵报警系统 16
3.3.4电子巡查系统 19
第四章 综合布线系统 20
4.1系统概述 20
4.2设计原则 20
4.3系统结构 20
4.4系统设计 21
4.4.1系统结构设计 21
4.4.2产品选型 21
4.4.3子系统设计 21
4.4.4管线设计 23
4.4.5防雷保护与信息接地设计 23 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
第五章 总结与展望 24
参考文献 25
致谢 27 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]