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第五章根据回收到的问卷数据进行研究分析,对全渠道模式下生鲜物流配送的各种影响因素进行总结。 [来源:]

关键词:全渠道模式; 生鲜农产品; 物流;
Distribution optimization strategy of fresh logistics under the omni-channel mode
At present, the consumption demand of fresh products in our country presents a huge and rapid growth momentum. However, the development of fresh agricultural products market in China is seriously hindered because of the imperfection of fresh agricultural products logistics system and the high logistics cost. At present, jingdong, box ma xiansheng and other leading enterprises have made optimization and improvement in fresh logistics distribution to adapt to the general trend of omni-channel mode. But there are still plenty of companies that have failed to try for a variety of reasons.
This paper takes fresh agricultural products as the research object to study the optimization of fresh logistics distribution under the omni-channel mode. At the same time, optimization strategies are proposed for the problems faced by fresh logistics under the omni-channel mode in China. The main contents can be summarized as the following aspects:


The first chapter introduces the background, purpose and significance of the research, domestic and foreign research review of omni-channel mode, fresh logistics and so on.
The second chapter introduces the concept of fresh agricultural products logistics and omni-channel mode and puts forward the challenge of omni-channel mode to logistics.
The third chapter analyzes the omni-channel logistics mode of the mainstream fresh food enterprises in China. At the same time, the paper also points out the problems that most enterprises in China are facing in the omni-channel mode.
In the fourth chapter, according to the problems faced by Chinese enterprises in the omni-channel mode of fresh logistics, the questionnaire design is carried out to explore the factors influencing the optimization of fresh logistics distribution in the omni-channel mode from multiple dimensions such as customer satisfaction and consumption habits.
In chapter 5, based on the collected questionnaire data, various influencing factors of fresh logistics distribution under the omni-channel mode are summarized.

Chapter 6 proposes optimization strategies based on the previous chapter's research and analysis.

Key Words:Omnichannel mode; Fresh food; Logistics;


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章绪论    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 研究的目的和意义    1
1.3 国内外研究情况    1
1.3.1 全渠道模式的国内外研究现状    1
1.3.2 生鲜农产品物流的国内外研究现状    3
1.4 研究述评    4
1.5 主要研究方法    4
第二章全渠道模式及生鲜农产品物流概述    6
2.1 生鲜农产品的含义及特点    6
2.2 生鲜农产品物流的含义及特点    6
2.2.1 生鲜农产品物流的含义    6
2.2.2 生鲜农产品物流的特点    6
2.3 全渠道模式的概念    7


2.4全渠道零售的特征    7
2.5 全渠道模式对物流的挑战    8
第三章主流生鲜农产品企业的全渠道物流模式分析    10
3.1 国内主流生鲜农产品企业概述    10
3.2 永辉超市的全渠道物流模式分析    10
3.3 易果生鲜的全渠道物流模式分析    11
3.3.1 易果生鲜线上渠道发展概况    11
3.3.2 易果生鲜线下渠道发展概况    12
3.3.3 云象供应链    12
3.3.4 安鲜达冷链物流    12
3.4 盒马鲜生的全渠道物流模式分析    13
3.5 全渠道模式下生鲜物流面临的问题    14
3.5.1 物流成本居高不下    14
3.5.2 冷链体系不完善,设备落后,产品质量缺乏保障    14
3.5.3 行业标准化程度低,难以对客户形成长久吸引    14
第四章全渠道模式下生鲜物流配送调查问卷的设计    15
4.1问卷的调查目的    15
4.2 问卷设计思路    15 [资料来源:]
4.3 设计内容    16
第五章调查问卷数据收集与分析    17
5.1 调查结果统计与分析    17
5.1.1 问卷基本信息    17
5.1.2 消费者消费行为习惯调查    18
5.1.3 生鲜农产品配送客户满意度调查    19
5.2 影响全渠道模式下生鲜物流配送的因素总结    22
第六章全渠道模式下的生鲜物流配送优化策略    23
6.1 建立前置仓模式体系    23
6.2 大力发展冷链物流体系    23
6.3 发展生鲜产品标准化包装,提高保鲜程度    24
参考文献    26
附录    27
致谢    29

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