摘 要
关键词: 社区物流;行动不便人群;物流服务响应平台
Community logistics is directly oriented to the urban community business and community residents, the goods from the supplier to the community shop or residents of the terminal logistics form, is the logistics of the "real last 100 meters." The person with a disability is a crowd who needs to be assisted by various reasons, such as leg or obstacle disability, elderly people, pregnant women or patients who are inconvenient. These people are inconvenient in the crowd often live in the community, especially the current rapid development of the community pension. More and more relevant data show that China will enter the rapid aging stage. Therefore, how to deal with the actual needs of these people with inconvenience to the community, to carry out community logistics services, is to break through the bottleneck of community logistics development, community service to promote the rooting of the key.
This article is for this social welfare and people's livelihood needs put forward. On the basis of fully investigating the current situation of the development of community logistics and the demand of logistics service, the author uses the knowledge and theory of the specialty, establishes the community information file and the logistics service response platform of the people with inconvenient mobility, and invites a volunteer Through the actual operation of the use of the design platform, and the relevant case analysis, the function of the platform and the use of pleasantness were analyzed. And further established a community logistics service program for people with reduced mobility to carry out application practice.
Keywords: community logistics;mobile inconvenience crowd;logistics service response platform
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的及意义 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 1
1.3.1 国内研究现状 1
1.3.2 国外研究现状 2
1.4 研究内容及预期目标 3
1.4.1 研究内容 3
1.4.2 预期目标 3
1.5 本章小结 4
第2章 社区物流及平台功能 5
2.1 社区物流 5
2.1.1 社区物流的定义 5
2.1.2 社区物流的发展特点 5
2.1.3 社区物流的发展前景 6
2.1.4 目前我国社区物流发展所存在的问题 6
2.2 服务对象的确定及平台功能的规划 7
2.2.1 服务对象的确定 7
2.2.2 平台功能的规划 7 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
2.3 本章小结 8
第3章 社区物流服务需求调研 9
3.1调查问卷对象的确定 9
3.2理论研究构思 9
3.3 调查问卷设计 9
3.3.1 调查问卷的设计 9
3.3.2 调查对象的界定 10
3.3.3 问卷发放方式的说明 10
3.4 问卷统计方法 10
3.4.1 分析方法 10
3.4.2 样本描述 10
3.5 本章小结 16
第4章 物流平台系统的建设及功能优缺点 17
4.1 建立平台所用步骤 17
4.2 系统概述 17
4.2.1 系统介绍 18
4.2.2 系统架构 18
4.2.3 主要功能 19
4.2.4 系统登录 20
4.3系统后台架构 21
4.4 网站及APP功能的优缺点 22
4.4.1 网站功能的优缺点 22 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
4.4.2 APP功能的优缺点 22
4.5 本章小结 23
第5章 平台系统使用案例及方案的选择 24
5.1 系统使用案例 24
5.2 物流服务方案的选择 24
5.2.1 社区工作者 24
5.2.2 社区医疗卫生服务 24
5.2.3 社区物流服务 24
5.2.4 政府引导,出台相关政策支持 25
5.3本章小结 25
第6章 经济环保性分析和结论 26
6.1经济环保性分析 26
6.2 总结 26
6.3 展望 26
参考文献 27
致 谢 29
附 录 30 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]