摘 要
关键词:电子商务 农产品物流 体系构建
Construction Strategy of Agricultural Product Logistics System inE - commerce Environment
With the development of information technology and the Internet, e-commerce also came into being. And e-commerce has created a myth of the business community, but the myth of e-commerce has been slow to appear in the sales of agricultural products in China, at present, China still exists "vegetables cheap farmers, vegetables your injury" contradictions. Because the agricultural product logistics system is not perfect, China's agricultural products in the transport process, the loss of about 30%, this ratio is about ten times the Western countries. Therefore, the sound logistics system makes China's agricultural sales greatly blocked. This paper analyzes the existing problems of agricultural logistics system and analyzes the necessity of establishing electronic logistics system, and finally draws up the measures to construct the logistics system of e-commerce products of agricultural products.The research idea of this paper is to analyze the current situation of China's agricultural product logistics system and study the necessity of constructing agricultural product logistics system, and finally come up with the measures to improve the logistics system of agricultural products in China, hoping to help the e-commerce of agricultural products in China.
Keywords:E- commerce; agricultural product logistics; system construction
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究概论 1
1.3研究思路 1
第二章 农产品物流体系的现状 2
2.1物流成本过高 2
2.1.1流通链过长 2
2.1.2立体交互式运输网络不成熟 2
2.1.3储藏加工保鲜技术比较落后 2
2.2农产品运输信息化程度低 3
2.2.1信息传递渠道过长节点过多 3
2.2.2农产品物流成员缺乏信息网络平台 3
2.2.3基层农业信息网络不完备 3
2.3农产品市场体系功能弱 4
2.3.1市场价格不能良好的反映供求关系 4
2.3.2市场交易方式原始 4
2.3.3市场信息体系落后 4 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
2.4开展电子商务的意识不高 4
2.5电子商务人才的缺乏 5
2.6农产品流通环节结构松散 5
第三章 调查报告 6
3.1调查简介 6
3.2调查背景及目的 6
3.3调查内容 6
3.4调查结果 6
第四章 建立农产品物流体系的必要性 12
4.1农产品物流电子商务化符合现代物流的本质 12
4.2农产品物流电子商务化符合消费观念的要求 12
4.3农产品物流电子商务化符合农产品的特殊性 13
第五章 构建物流体系的关键要素 14
5.1互联网 14
5.2信息技术 14
5.3第三方物流 15
5.4电子商务 15
第六章 江苏省农产品物流体系构建 16
6.1江苏省农产品物流发展环境 16
6.2江苏省区域农产品物流空间布局 16
6.3江苏省农产品物流布局与定位 17
6.4江苏省构建电子商务农产品物流体系的策略 17
6.4.1发展电子商务的现代化的农产品流通方式 17
6.4.2建立具有高附加值的农产品配套服务中心 17
6.4.3建立农产品的第三方物流市场 17
6.4.4应用可追溯系统 18
6.4.5在农村普及互联网技术 18
6.4.6加强电子商务的知识普及 18
6.4.7加强农村人才培养 18
6.4.8建立标准化的分类管理体系 19
结束语 20
参考文献 21
附 录 23
致 谢 29