摘 要
Problems and Countermeasures of Internal Control of "Yangli Electric apparatus" [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
Internal control has gradually become an effective barrier to prevent and resist risks in the management of enterprises. Internal control helps to improve the ability of risk prevention of enterprises, and to a certain extent restricts the blind behavior of management in pursuit of interests. It is the inevitable requirement of social and economic development. Through the analysis of the internal control of private enterprises at home and abroad, we can know that the research on internal control of private enterprises started early in foreign countries. Most of the research on internal control of enterprises abroad is based on case study, which is mainly aimed at putting forward a more comprehensive method of internal control of enterprises. The research on internal control of enterprises started late in our country. The research results are mainly focused on the theoretical research. This paper will analyze the defects of internal control in the case of Urumqi Yangli Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., and focus on the problems existing in the internal control of the private enterprises in China.
Key words:Internal control, problems, causes and Countermeasures
目 录
引言 1
1 内部控制概述 1
1.1 内部控制概念 1
1.2 内部控制目标 2
1.3 内部控制要素 2
2 “扬力电器”内部控制存在的问题 3
2.1 员工对于内部控制认识不足 3
2.2 内部控制风险评估不足 3
2.3 内部控制监督力度不足 4
2.4 内部信息沟通不流畅 4
3 导致“扬力电器”内部控制存在问题的原因 5
3.1 扬力电器内部控制风险意识薄弱 5
3.2 绩效考核机制缺乏引导作用导致风险意识不强 6
3.3 内部审计与内部监督不充分 7
3.4 内部信息沟通机制不完善 7
4 加强“扬力电器”内部控制对策 8
4.1 加强企业文化建设,提升员工素质 8 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
4.2 建立有效激励和预警机制 9
4.3 强化企业内部控制监督 9
4.4 完善内部信息沟通渠道 10
5结论 10
致 谢 11
参考文献 12 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]