Abstract:Since the late 1970 s in our country have entered a new era in the country's rapid economic development, political democracy, the quick construction of people's living standards continue to improve, but in the alternate process of the old and the new system has produced many problems to be solved, such as the state-owned assets of the serious water, disorder of the budgetary revenues and expenditures, focused response for the accounting information distortion. Accounting information is the main basis for managers, investors and creditors to improve management, evaluate the financial situation, make investment decisions, and guard against business risks. Accounting information distortion will bring immeasurable losses to managers, investors and creditors. Accounting information is one of the important bases for decision-makers to make decisions. The authenticity and reliability of accounting information is the basic premise and condition for ensuring the correct decision-making of information users. However, along with our country some large enterprises and the accounting fraud and fraud scandals of listed companies has exposed, mainly make a false report, by the inflated profits to achieve a goal, the quality of accounting personnel and unit of leadership is not high, not enough to the enterprise system and the supervision of law enforcement of people began to doubt the truth of accounting information. At present, the distortion of accounting information is very common, so it is necessary to reverse the distortion of accounting information. therefore., LTD as an example in this paper, the green the earth from the performance of accounting information distortion, find out the cause of the distortion of accounting information, accounting information distortion and puts forward relevant countermeasures should be taken to method, the purpose is to solve the problem of accounting information distortion. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
Keywords:accountinginformation distortion; genesis;countermeasures; revelation
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
一、会计信息失真的概念 2
二、云南绿大地股份公司基本情况介绍 3
1、案例背景 3
2、经营模式 3
三、云南绿大地会计信息失真的问题 3
1、虚增资产 3
2、虚增收入 4
3、虚增利润 5
4、虚增数据 6
5、现金流量异动频繁 7
6、监事会变动 7
7、屡次更换会计师事务所 7
四、云南绿大地会计信息失真的成因分析 8
1、法律对财务造假行为的处罚成本低 8
2、注册会计师未能有效发挥审计监督作用 8
五、云南绿大地会计信息失真对策 9
1、构建投资者索赔机制,加大财务造假处罚力度 9
2、加强监管频繁变更会计师事务所的上市公司 9
3、加强注册会计师监督管理 9
六、如何防范会计信息失真 10
1、控制环境 10
2、风险评估 10
3、控制活动 10
4、信息与沟通 11
5、内部监督 11
七、结束语 11
参考文献 12