[摘要]20 世纪末到 21 世纪初我国发生了一系列后果严重的财务舞弊、造假事件,造成这些事件的原因是多方面的,但是无疑这些公司治理作用的缺失有着不可推卸的责任。与此同时,大量学者和相关部门开始关注深受发达国家推崇的审计委员会制度,希望像发达国家一样用这个制度来加强公司治理作用。2002 年我国发布了针对上市公司治理的准则,该准则是国内首次涉及审计委员会制度的官方规范,其正式规定上市公司董事会可根据股东大会决议,在董事会下设立审计委员会,并对审计委员会的人员构成和职责进行了简要的规定。随着国外审计委员会制度的发展,我国也相继对审计委员会制度进行完善。2007 年我国证监会发布了关于上市公司信息披露的准则,该准则要求上市公司披露审计委员会年度履职情况报告。这份报告应包括以下内容:针对公司年度财务报表的两次审议意见,对外部审计工作督促情况,对外部审计工作的总结报告以及对下一年有关外部审计机构选聘的决议书。但是由于我国对于审计委员会制度的研究与实施起步较晚,导致我国审计委员会制度还存在很多的缺陷没有被认知和改进。时至今日,几乎所有上市公司都设立了审计委员会,但是由于审计委员会制度存在缺陷导致审计委员会未能发挥其强化治理的作用。 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
[关键词] 审计委员会、公司治理、信息评价
应包括(背景。 意义。 写作思路。 结论。观点。 我的创新贡献。 不足。 可能的进一步研究)400字左右
Research on audit committee system of Listed Companies in China
Abstract: [Abstract] from the end of twentieth Century to the beginning of twenty-first Century, a series of serious financial frauds and fraudulent events have taken place in China. The reasons for these events are multifaceted, but there is no doubt that the lack of the corporate governance of these companies has an unshirkable responsibility. At the same time, a large number of scholars and related departments have begun to pay attention to the audit committee system highly respected by developed countries, hoping to use this system to strengthen corporate governance, like developed countries. In 2002, China issued the guidelines for the governance of listed companies. This standard is the first official regulation of the audit committee system in China. It formally stipulates that the board of directors of listed companies can set up an audit committee under the board of directors according to the resolution of the shareholders' meeting, and make a brief rule on the composition and responsibility of the audit committee. Set. With the development of foreign audit committee system, China has perfected the audit committee system one after another. In 2007, China Securities Regulatory Commission issued guidelines for information disclosure of listed companies, which requires listed companies to disclose the annual performance report of the board of auditors. The report should include the following: two comments on the annual financial statements of the company, the supervision of the external audit work, the summary report on the external audit work and the resolution on the selection of external audit institutions for the next year. However, due to the late start of the research and implementation of the audit committee system in China, the audit committee system in China has not been recognized and improved. Today, almost all listed companies have set up an audit committee, but the audit committee has failed to play its role of strengthening its governance because of the defects of the audit committee system.
By exploring the problems existing in the audit committee system of the listed companies in China, this paper analyzes the causes of the problems and puts forward the measures to improve the audit committee, in order to contribute to the improvement and development of the audit committee system of the listed companies in China.
[Key words] audit committee, corporate governance and information evaluation.
引言 1
一、绪论 2
(一)研究背景及意义 2
(二)研究现状 2
二、审计委员会制度的含义及重要性 4
(一)审计委员会制度的内涵 4
(二)审计委员会的职责 4
(三)审计委员会制度的重要性 4
(四)审计委员会制度的理论基础 5
三、我国上市公司审计委员会制度存在问题及原因分析 7
(一)我国上市公司审计委员会制度存在问题 7 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
(二)原因分析 10
四、完善我国上市公司审计委员会制度的对策分析 12
(一)提升上市公司审计委员会运行模式 12
(二)增强上市公司审计委员会构成的独立性 12
(三)建立健全上市公司审计委员会履职报告与评价机制 13
结论 15
参考文献 16
致谢语 17