摘 要
关键词: 纺织服装行业,国内消费,财务绩效
Textile and garment industry listed company financial performance evaluation research
Textile and garment industry is the traditional pillar industry of China's national economy, which plays an active and important role in meeting the domestic consumption demand, increasing employment opportunities and increasing the income of farmers. In the economic crisis has not gone far, international economic and trade situation change constantly under the environment of China's textile and garment industry is also facing a decline in consumer demand, increased labor costs and other aspects of the challenge. As an important tool for the development of enterprise management, financial performance indicators have been recognized and used by more and more business managers, scholars and experts. However, with the development of financial accounting management science, the financial performance indicators of enterprises are more and more complex. The integration of different indicators, the comprehensive analysis of multiple indicators, as well as the use of probability and statistics tools to financial analysis, has become a new issue of concern to everyone. The factor analysis method can extract main factors from many variables in the complex, and the order of their importance, "the characteristics of objective weighting method" is this method greatly weakened the artificial weight problems, make the research results more credible. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
In summary, this paper uses factor analysis method, the financial performance evaluation index of China's textile and garment industry listed companies to analyze, accurately and truthfully reflect the financial operation situation of China's textile and garment industry of listed companies, so as to provide theoretical basis for its further improvement and development.
KEYWORDS:textile and garment industry, domestic consumption, financial performance
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究思路和框架 2
2 国内外研究现状 3
2.1 国有资本金绩效评价方法 4
2.2 中国诚信公司评价指标体系 4
2.3 新兰德业绩综合测评法 4
3 纺织服装行业财务绩效评价指标体系的建立 5
3.1 纺织服装行业的概念及特点 5
3.2 评价指标体系的设定原则 5 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
3.2.1 系统性原则 5
3.2.2 全面完整原则 6
3.2.3 易于获取原则 6
3.2.4 可比性原则 6
3.2.5 可测性原则 6
3.3 评价指标体系的确定 6
4 纺织服装行业上市公司财务绩效评价实证分析 8
4.1 研究样本与数据描述 8
4.1.1 因子分析法的原理及特点 8
4.1.2 因子分析法的操作步骤 9
4.1.3 因子的适用性分析 9
4.2 实证过程与结果讨论 10
4.2.1 因子分析过程 10
4.2.2 实证结果分析 10
5 结论与展望 12
5.1 结论和建议 12
5.2 研究不足与展望 12
参考文献 13
后 记 14 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]