We tend to put a few potted plantson the balcony of our home or the window of our office,which can improve the air quality and reduce electromagnetic radiation. Besides, they also enhance the artistry and appreciation. In response to the accelerated pace of life in today's society and the neglect of care and maintenance of potted plants,more and more people are turning their attention to the design of the smart flowerpot system.
This design is based on Arduino and completes the software and hardware design of the smart flowerpot. From the perspective of practical application, the designed smart flowerpot not only improves the user's freedom, but also is more economical. This design not only explains the basic hardware framework of the smart flowerpot, but also clarifies the function of each module.
This design uses four parts to make the smart flowerpot work normally. First, the photosensitive part uses the photosensitive sensor to collect the illumination information. Second, the obstacle avoidance part uses the infrared obstacle avoidance module and the motor drive module to control the movement of the flowerpot. Besides, the automatic watering part uses the temperature and humidity module to collect the temperature and humidity information of the soil, and controls the water pump to perform the watering work. Finally,uses LCD1602 to display the temperature and humidity of soil.
Key Words:Arduino,Infrared obstacle avoidance,photosensitive sensor, motor,DHT11 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章绪论 1
1.1课题研究的背景 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.4研究内容及章节安排 2
第2章设计总体方案 3
2.1设计基本要求 3
2.2硬件电路的概述 3
2.3 软件程序的概述 4
第3章系统硬件设计 5
3.1 Arduino简介 5
3.2自动浇水模块 7
3.2.1 DHT11温湿度传感器 7
3.2.2继电器 9
3.3感光模块 11
3.4 显示模块 12
3.4.1 LCD1602简介 12
3.4.2 LCD1602的引脚功能 13
3.4.3 LCD的指令说明及时序 13
3.4.4 LCD1602的RAM地址映射 14
3.4.5 I2C接口模块 15
3.4.6 I2C通信原理 15
3.5避障模块 19
3.5.1 L298N电机驱动模块 19
3.5.2 直流电机 21
3.5.3红外避障模块 23
第4章系统软件设计 26
4.1系统整体程序流程图 26
4.2 Arduino程序结构 27
4.3显示屏程序 29
4.4 DHT11程序 30
4.5 感光模块程序 30
4.6 避障模块程序 30
第5章系统的仿真和调试 32
5.1自动浇水模块 32
5.2 感光模块 33
5.3自动避障模块 34
第6章结论 35
致谢 36
参考文献 37
附录A 38
附录B 43 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]