
关键词:反激式变换器 UC3844电流控制模式 变压器设计
Design of a New High Frequency Switching Power Supply
With the development of power electronics technology and the deepening of the concept of green energy conservation, people have increasingly focused on power technology. Among them, the advantages of miniaturization, light weight, energy saving, and high efficiency have gradually become the basic requirements for people. With the popularization of various consumer electronics products, there are more and more low-voltage output switching power supplies.
In this paper, an AC-DC switching power supply based on flyback converter is designed. The working principle of the flyback circuit is analyzed and expounded, and the advantages and disadvantages of several common switching power supply topologies are simply analyzed. Finally, the main circuit structure and the current mode control method of the single-phase bridge rectifier circuit and the flyback converter are selected, and the overall structural block diagram is given. [资料来源:Doc163.com]
Various sub-modules of the circuit were analyzed in depth to determine the power of each part at work and the required device specifications. For example: Calculate the current passing through the thyristor in the rectifier circuit and its withstand voltage, and determine the specifications of the thyristor accordingly. Taking this as an example, the loss and selection of each switching device in the converter, the selection of the specifications of each component in the filter section, and the design of the high-frequency transformer, themostimportant part of the power supply, have also been determined. Transformer design includes core selection, winding number calculation, wire size of the winding, and transformer test. The UC3844 chip is used as the control chip in the control part. The function of the chip pin and the voltage signal acquisition circuit and the current signal acquisition circuit supporting the chip function are introduced in this paper.
Simulate the circuit using MATLAB/Simulink, and repeatedly modify and optimize the circuit parameters. According to the simulation results, the switching power supply design achieves the desired effect. The switching power supply designed in this paper basically meets the theoretical requirements and the feasibility of the design has been initially proved. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Keywords: Flyback Converter; UC3844; Current control mode; Design of Transformer
1、V_in:AC 220V±10%。

摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外开关电源研发现状 2
1.3 本课题研究内容与论文架构 4
1.3.1 本课题研究内容 4
1.3.2 论文架构 4
第二章 电路系统设计 5
2.1 开关电源的技术参数 5
2.2 主电路拓扑选择 5
2.3 开关电源的控制结构 8
2.3.1 输出电压的调制 8
2.3.2 电路控制方式选择 9
2.4 本章小结 10
第三章 开关电源硬件设计 12
3.1 整流电路分析 12 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
3.1.1 晶闸管选择 12
3.2 DC-DC变换器分析 13
3.2.1 功率变压器分析 13
3.2.2 直流变换电路中其余器件选型 19
3.3 滤波环节设计 21
3.3.1 输入端的滤波器件选型 21
3.3.2 输出端的滤波器件选型 22
第四章 开关电源的控制与保护 23
4.1 开关电源的主控制回路 24
4.2 工作电流检测与保护回路 25
第五章 仿真结果分析 27
第六章 工作总结 31
参考文献 33
致谢 36 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]