摘 要
关键词:物流终端 无线通信 短信发送 开发平台
Logistics terminal control system for sending and receiving
This system function of logistics terminal control system for sending and receiving is automately transformed to express "the last kilometer" link in the sending and receiving. The system is divided into two parts, dispatch and reception. dispatch part of the courier loading by scanning delivery information, accepted part of the self-delivery charge device. the user enter the verification code to get your own courier.
First, the background, significance, status of development are introduced in this paper. Then hardware and software solutions for the choice of the system were demonstrated, including barcode scanning module, SMS module, wireless communication module and software development platform in the system is introduced. And, we introduced realization of software and hardware specific functions. Finally, it is the overall function of debugging.
Key Words: Modern logistics system; Terminal Equipment; Wireless communication; SMS module
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.2 研究现状及发展趋势 1
1.3 本论文主要任务 2
第二章 系统总体方案设计 3
2.1 硬件部分方案设计 3
2.1.1 主控芯片 4
2.1.2 无线通信模块 5
2.1.3 短消息发送模块 6
2.1.4 条码扫描模块 6
2.2 软件部分方案设计 7
第三章 硬件设计 8
3.1 主控芯片基本外围电路设计 8
3.3.1 电源电路 8
3.3.2 晶振电路 9
3.3.3 复位电路 9
3.3.4 JTAG接口电路 9
3.2 条码扫描模块设计 10
3.3 无线通信模块设计 11
3.4 短消息发送模块设计 12
3.5 TFT彩屏显示模块设计 12 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
第四章 软件设计 14
4.1 终端A软件功能模块 15
4.1.1 初始化模块 15
4.1.2 条码扫描功能模块 16
4.1.3 无线通信功能模块 18
4.1.4 短消息功能模块 19
4.2 终端B软件功能模块 21
4.2.1 初始化模块 21
4.2.2 彩屏显示与触摸功能模块 22
第五章 系统调试 25
5.1 分模块调试 25
5.1.1 主控芯片模块 25
5.1.2 短消息模块 26
5.1.3 条码扫描模块 26
5.1.4 彩屏显示与触摸模块 27
5.2 整体功能调试 28
结 语 31
参考文献 32
附录A 系统硬件原理图 34
附录B 源代码 36 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
致 谢 50