Design of Miniaturized 433MHz Antenna
Abstract: By the early 21st century, thanks in large part to mobile phones, the average person now carries one or more antennas on them wherever they go (cell phones can have multiple antennas, if GPS is used, for instance). This significant rate of growth is not likely to slow, as wireless communication systems become a larger part of everyday life. Thus, it is significant to do research on different types of antenna.This paper mainly does research on the miniaturization of 433MHz antenna.In the design of 433MHz antenna,we used Planar inverted-F antenna which is increasingly used in the mobile phone market. The antenna is resonant at a quarter-wavelength (thus reducing the required space needed on the phone), and also typically has good SAR properties. Then,we change the position of the feed and shorted pin to reduce S11 to make the antenna match to 433MHz. This antenna is made for small wireless device,such as wireless receivers. [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Key words:Planar inverted-F antenna;433MHz;miniaturization
目 录
第一章 绪论 2
1.1 课题研究背景和意义 2
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 课题的主要工作及章节安排 3
第二章 天线基本参数及微带贴片天线 4
2.1 天线基本参数 4
2.2 微带贴片天线 6
第三章 微带天线小型化及平面倒F(PIFA)天线 8
3.1 微带天线小型化 8
3.2 平面倒F(PIFA)天线 9
第四章 电磁仿真软件介绍 13
4.1 FEKO软件简介 13
第五章 433MHZ小型化天线设计及仿真 15
5.1 433MHZ小型化天线设计 15
5.2 433MHZ小型化天线仿真 15
第六章 结论与讨论 25
参考文献: 26
致谢 27