According to the requirements of the task book, the annual handling capacity of 25 million tons of phosphate beneficiation plant design. A maximum particle size of the ore less than 450mm, in according to the task book to the data and reference for the same type of ore dressing plant, the design is finally adopted "three sections of a closed" conventional crushing and two full closed-circuit grinding flowsheet, after grinding concentrate one roughing, once featured a scavenging. Finally, we get phosphate concentrate.
The design specification includes the crushing process, grinding process, sorting process, slurry flow calculation, broken equipment, screening equipment, grinding equipment, grading equipment, flotation equipment and auxiliary equipment. In the process of doing these calculations, I for mineral processing engineering profession is also a new understanding.
Design of concentrator, a total of three main plant, respectively: crushing and screening workshop, grinding and flotation workshop, dewatering plant. According to the terrain layout workshop, effective use of terrain elevation difference, fully implement the principle of gravity, in order to reduce power consumption, thus obtain higher economic benefits. Using AutoCAD software to draw to the total number of process flow diagram, flow chart of the quality, the workshop layout drawings, complete the design specification.
Key Words:Phosphate;crushing;grinding;flotation
要摘 I
Abstract II
第1章绪论 1
1.1 毕业设计的设计依据 1
1.2 矿石的性质 1
1.3 选矿概况 1
1.3.1 选矿厂车间工作制度 1
1.3.2 选矿厂主要经济技术指标 1
1.4流程图 2
第2 章选矿厂设计步骤与方法 4
2.1 设计步骤 4
2.2 设计方法 4
2.3 主要工艺指标的确定与计算 4
2.3.1 破碎流程的计算 4
2.3.2 磨矿流程的计算 6
2.3.3 选别工艺流程的计算 7
2.3.4 矿浆流程的计算 9
第3 章主要设备的选择计算 17
3.1 破碎及筛分设备的选择与计算 17
3.1.1 粗碎设备的选择与计算 17
3.1.2 中碎设备的选择与计算 18
3.1.3细碎设备的选择与计算 21
3.1.4筛分设备的选择与计算 24
3.2 磨矿设备和分级设备的选择与计算 26 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
3.2.1 第一段磨矿设备的选择与计算 26
3.2.2 第一段分级设备的选择与计算 30
3.2.3 第二段磨矿设备的选择与计算 31
3.2.4 第二段分级设备的选择与计算 35
3.3 浮选设备的选择计算 37
3.3.1 浮选机的选择与计算 37
3.3.2 搅拌槽的选择与计算 38
3.3.3 磷精矿浓缩机设备的选择与计算 39
3.3.4 磷精矿过滤机的选择与计算 40
第4 章辅助设备的选择与计算 41
4.1 矿仓的选择与计算 41
4.1.1 原矿受矿仓的选择与计算 41
4.1.2 中碎前矿仓的选择与计算 42
4.1.3 闭路筛分机前矿仓的选择计算 43
4.1.4 细碎前矿仓的选择与计算 43
4.1.5 磨矿矿仓的选择与计算 44
4.1.6 精矿仓的选择与计算 45
4.2给料机的选择与计算 46
4.2.1.粗碎机给料机 46 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
4.2.2 筛分给料机 47
4.2.3.磨矿机给料机 47
4.3皮带运输机的选择与计算 47
参考文献 50
附录 51
致谢 57