摘 要
According to the requirements of the design task book, the graduation design topic is: design of a concentrator that processes 150,000 tons of iron and manganese ore annually, which belongs to engineering design. The separation method is magnetization roasting - magnetic separation - flotation separation, and the beneficiation products include iron concentrate and manganese concentrate. The ferromanganese ore contains 18.00 % manganese and 21.50 % iron. the grade of manganese in the iron manganese ore is not high and the iron content is high. for the iron manganese ore, the ore is a mixed ore with weak magnetism. Aiming at the valuable elements manganese and iron in the ore, the beneficiation technological process of magnetization roasting - magnetic separation - flotation separation was designed. The final concentrate manganese grade beta = 28.50 %; The final recovery of manganese from concentrate ε = 72.00 %, the grade of iron concentrate 55.00 %, and the recovery of iron from iron concentrate 60.00 %.
Key Words:Ferromanganese ore;concentrator designing;roasting, magnetic separation,;flotation
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 原矿性质 1
1.2 选矿设计指标和产品 1
1.3 设计流程论述 1
第2章 车间工作制度和生产能力 3
2.1 车间工作制度 3
2.2 车间生产能力 3
第3章 工艺流程和工艺设备 4
3.1 破碎流程和破碎设备的选择与计算 4
3.1.1 破碎流程计算 4
3.1.2 破碎、筛分设备选择和计算 5 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
3.2 焙烧流程的选择与计算 9
3.3 磨矿流程的计算 9
3.4 磁选流程的计算 10
3.5 浮选过程的计算 11
3.6 矿浆流程计算 13
3.7 磨机和分级机选择与计算 18
3.7.1磨机选择与计算 18
3.7.2 螺旋分级机的选择与计算 19
3.8 磁选机选机选择与计算 20
3.9 浮选机选机选择与计算 21
3.10 搅拌槽的选择与计算 25
3.11 脱水设备的选择与计算 25
3.11.1 浓缩机的选择与计算 25
3.11.2 过滤机的选择与计算 25
3.12辅助设备的计算 26
3.12.1 矿仓的选择与计算 26
3.12.2 皮带运输机的选择与计算 29
3.12.3 其他辅助设备的选择与计算 32
第4章 总体布置与设备配置 33
4.1 厂房的总体布置 33
4.2 厂内设备配置 33
4.3 破碎厂房的设备配置 33
4.4 磁选浮选车间设备配置 33
4.5 脱水车间设备配置 34
专题报告 35
参考文献 38
致谢 39