摘 要
关键字:选矿厂设计 ;胶磷矿;双反浮选;2000吨/天
The design of the concentrator is extremely important part of the mine construction, which directly provide a scientific basis for decision-making project. When the projece is decided, it is the guiding document for project implementation. In addition, it is also a science and technology into productive forces of the media. Production of advanced technology, research and best practices, are necessery to push the design production practice.With the continuous development of the mineral processing industry,concentrator design requirements are also rising.
The design of the ore from Hubei Dayukou collophane planned production of 2000t/d. The low-grade ore as the representative of our phosphate rock, which monomer dissociation difficult, causing great difficulties for flotation design. Dual float design follows the testing procedures, the final grade phosphate rock can be increased from 16.47 to 28.35 percent, while the recovery rate of 82.30%. On this basis, determine the selection process and other process equipment in accordance with the nature of the ore: a closed-circuit crushing three-stage process, the full closed-circuit grinding two-stage process, using the concentrate after the first two paragraphs concentrate filtration dehydration. Siting and construction of the concentrator design should combine the local geography and traffic conditions.
Key Words: concentrator desig;collophanite ore;double-reverse floation;the capacity of 2000t/d
2.1 选矿厂的规模及服务年限
(2)选定指标:①磨矿细度为:-0.074mm占94.23% [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
2.2 选矿厂工作制度与设备作业率
表2.1 选矿厂工作制度与各车间设备作业率
车间名称 工作制度 年运转
小时数 设备作
性质 日/年 班/日 时/班
破碎 间断 300 2 7 4200 47.95
磨浮 连续 300 3 8 7200 82.19
脱水干燥 连续 300 3 8 7200 82.19
尾水处理 连续 300 3 8 7200 82.19 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
第1章 绪论 6
1.1目的及意义(含国内外的研究现状分析) 6 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
1.1.1研究目的 6
1.1.2研究意义 6
1.1.3国内外研究现状分析 7
1.1.4胶磷矿简介 7
1.2基本内容和技术方案 8
1.2.1基本内容 8
1.2.2技术方案 9
第2章 选矿厂的规模与工作制度 10
2.1 选矿厂的规模及服务年限 10
2.2 选矿厂工作制度与设备作业率 10
2.3 选矿厂小时处理矿量 10
第3章 选矿工艺流程的选择与计算 11
3.1 破碎筛分流程的选择与计算 11
3.2磨矿分级的计算 13
3.3浮选流程的计算 17
3.4矿浆流程的计算 22
第4章 主要工艺设备的选择与计算 31
4.1 破碎筛分车间设备的选择与计算 31
4.1.1 Ⅰ段粗碎设备的选择与计算 31
4.1.2 Ⅱ段中碎破碎机的选择与计算 32 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
4.1.3 III段细碎破碎机的选择与计算 33
4.2 筛分设备的选择与计算 33
4.3磨浮车间设备的选择与计算 35
4.3.1 磨矿设备 35
4.3.2分级设备 37
4.3.3 浮选设备 39
4.4脱水设备的选择与计算 44
4.4.1 浓缩机的计算 44
4.4.2 过滤机的计算 46
4.4.3 干燥机的计算 46
第5章 辅助设备的选择与计算 48
5.1 矿仓 48
5.2 给料机 49
5.2.1粗碎机给料机 49
5.2.2磨矿机给料机 50
5.3 皮带运输机的选型和计算 50
5.3.1皮带宽度的计算 50
5.3.2按最大块度校核 50
5.3.3传动滚筒功率 51
5.3.4计算电动机功率 51
5.4 储矿浆搅拌槽的选择计算 51 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
5.5 泵的选择计算 52
5.5.1 尾矿输送泵(1#、2#泵)的选择与计算 52
第6章 结论 54
参考文献 55
附录 56
致谢 57 [资料来源:Doc163.com]