摘 要
Mineral resources are the material basis of human survival and development, it is an important material guarantee of sustainable economic and social development, the rapid development of China's tremendous support forces. Copper as one of the four non-ferrous metals, agriculture, industry and science and technology is an important raw metal, has an important position and role in the national economy and social development. [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
The basic design is the key to the construction of any project before building must be designed by the design of the construction of technically reliable and economically reasonable, less investment, quick construction and high efficiency.
The graduation design, my task is mainly based on the tasks assigned by the instructor, design capacity of 1000t / d of copper sulfide ore concentrator, designed to ore properties of copper sulfide ores, beneficiation test results, the feasibility study report and production practices as the basis, through the process of calculation, select process parameters, equipment selection, process design, equipment and contact layout, design configuration is reasonable, economical and reliable copper sulfide ore concentrator.
Key Words:Copper sulfide ore;1000t/d;Concentrator design
第1章 选矿厂的规模与工作制度 1
1.1 选矿厂的规模及服务年限 1
1.2 选矿厂工作制度与设备作业率 1
1.3 选矿厂小时处理矿量 1
第2章 选矿工艺流程的选择与计算 2
2.1 破碎筛分流程的选择与计算 2
2.1.1 破碎筛分流程的选择确定 2
2.1.2 破碎筛分流程的计算 3
2.2 磨矿分级的计算 5
2.3 浮选流程的计算 6
2.3.1 计算各产物的产率 6
2.3.2 计算各产物的回收率 7
2.4 矿浆流程的计算 8
2.4.1 磨矿流程 8
2.4.2 浮选流程 9
第3章 主要工艺设备的选择与计算 15
3.1 破碎筛分车间设备的选择与计算 16
3.1.1 Ⅰ段粗碎设备的选择与计算 16
3.1.2 Ⅱ段中碎破碎机的选择与计算 17
3.1.3 III段细碎破碎机的选择与计算 17
3.2 筛分设备的选择与计算 18
3.3 磨浮车间设备的选择与计算 19
3.3.1 磨矿设备 19
3.3.2 分级设备 21
3.3.3 浮选设备 23 正浮选粗选前搅拌槽的计算 23
[来源:http://www.doc163.com] 正浮选精矿前搅拌槽的计算 24 反浮选粗选前搅拌槽的计算 24 反浮选扫选前搅拌槽的计算 25 各作业浮选机的选择与计算 25
3.4 精矿脱水设备的选择与计算 27
3.4.1 浓缩机的计算 27
3.4.2 过滤机的计算 27
第4章 辅助设备的选择与计算 28
4.1 矿仓 29
4.2 给料机 30
4.2.1 粗碎机给料机 30
4.2.2 磨矿机给料机 30
4.3 皮带运输机的选型和计算 30
4.3.1 胶带宽度的计算 30
4.3.2 传动滚筒功率 32
4.3.3 计算电动机功率 32
4.4 储矿浆搅拌槽的选择计算 32
4.5 泵的选择计算 33
4.5.1 尾矿输送泵(1#、2#泵)的选择与计算 33
4.5.2 精矿压滤机进料泵(3#泵)的选择与计算 36
4.5.3 供水水泵的选择与计算 40
第5章 设备总表 41
第6章 结论 43
参考文献 44
致谢 45 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]