
关键词: 交流双速,载货电梯,5层5站,电气控制
With the rapid development of economy in our country,Large shopping malls, industrial and mining enterprises sprang up too.In such a precious land resources, especially the precious little soil of the city, to the space development is undoubtedly the shopping malls, industrial and mining enterprises, a good way to expand their operations.So, large capacity, powerful control, safe, reliable and cost-effective freight elevator is more and more be Preferred.
This article mainly studied on 5 layer station ac double speed freight elevator electric control system.The first chapter mainly introduces the development history, classification and structure of the elevator and the development present situation and prospects of the elevator;The second chapter is to control PLC programmer's introduction, mainly introduces the basic structure of PLC and garden road as well as its basic instructions and hardware system;The third chapter is the freight elevator electric control system of the overall design, focuses on the freight elevator electrical schematic diagram and PLC hardware interface circuit of the elevator;The fourth chapter is the PLC in the application of ac double-speed five layers of elevator control system, the focus is on the control links of ladder diagram drawing.Throughout the full text, and emphasis is last two chapter, which is the integral design of the freight elevator electric control system and PLC in the application of ac double-speed five layers of elevator control system.
Key words: ac double speed, cargo elevators, 5 layer station, electric control

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 电梯的发展史 1
1.2 电梯的种类 2
1.3 载货电梯的基本结构 3
1.4 我国电梯的发展现状及前景 4
1.4.1 我国电梯的发展现状(主要谈谈存在的问题) 4
1.4.2我国电梯的发展前景 5
第二章 可编程控制器(PLC)介绍 6
2.1 PLC的产生、特点、发展及用途 6
2.2 PLC的基本结构和工作原理 7
2.2.1 PLC的基本结构 7
2.2.2 PLC的工作原理 7
2.3 PLC的基本指令 8
2.3.1 指令基本格式 8
2.3.2 操作数的表示方法 8
2.3.3 PLC的基本逻辑指令 9
2.4 S7-200系列PLC的硬件系统 13
2.4.1 硬件系统基本构成 13
2.4.2 主机结构及性能特点 13 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
2.4.3 输入/输出的扩展 14
第三章 五层五站交流双速载货电梯电气控制系统整体设计 15
3.1 5层5站载货电梯设计理念 15
3.2 电梯安全运行的充要条件 16
3.3 交流双速载货电梯拖动主回路图 16
3.4 自动开关门电动机回路与安全回路图 17
3.4.1 门锁安全回路 17
3.4.2 自动开关门电动机回路 18
3.5 电梯的安全保护环节 18
3.5.1防止电梯超速运行和断绳的保护 19
3.5.2 防人员剪切和坠落的保护 19
3.5.3 报警和救援装置 19
3.5.4 防机械伤害的保护 20
3.6 电梯系统部分电气图 20
3.6.1 载货电梯电气原理图 20
3.6.2 载货电梯PLC硬件接口电路图 22
第四章 PLC在交流双速5层电梯控制系统中的应用 24
4.1 电梯轿厢开关门的控制 24
4.1.1 电梯的开门 24
4.1.2电梯的关门 25
4.2 电梯的上下行的控制及显示 25
4.2.1电梯上行控制 25
4.2.2电梯下行控制 26
4.2.3电梯上行显示 27
4.2.4电梯下行显示 28
4.3电梯加减速的控制 28
4.3.1 电梯的加速控制 28
4.3.2 电梯的减速控制 29
4.4 电梯内指令外召唤信号的登记消除及显示 30
4.4.1外召唤信号处理 30
4.4.2 内指令信号的处理 30
4.5 楼层号的显示 31
第五章 结语与展望 33
5.1 结语 33
5.2 展望 33
参考文献 34
致 谢 36 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]