基于S7-1200 PLC的二次供水控制系统设计

基于S7-1200 PLC的二次供水控制系统设计(开题报告,论文18000字)
摘 要
关键词:自动恒压 手动恒压 手动恒频 恒压供水 PID
The Design of Secondary Water Supply Control System
Based on S7-1200 PLC
With the development of the city, the height of building buildings continue to break, the municipal water supply system more and more can not meet the needs of users. As a supplement to the water supply network, the secondary water supply technology has been more extensive research and use of promotion. In the system designed in this paper, we designed the operation mode of three kinds of systems, including automatic constant voltage, manual constant voltage, manual constant frequency. We first of all need for the system to be allocated IO points; and then by the specific requirements of the system equipment used for equipment selection; and then draw the control system of a circuit drawings, secondary circuit drawings, electrical cabinet layout and other related Drawing; then we need to achieve the constant pressure water supply as the goal, the PLC software design; the final preparation of the configuration interface. The system implements the monitoring of the water pressure of the water supply pipe network and is controlled according to the relevant mode. When the water consumption increases, the system controls the motor operation to pressurize the water supply pipe network. The system adopts the PID control algorithm, which makes the water supply system in stable and reasonable operation state when the user demand changes.
Key Words: Automatic constant pressure; Manual constant pressure ; Manual constant frequency ;Constant pressure water supply; PID
摘 要 II
Abstract III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 提出课题 1
1.2 传统供水方案的分析 1
1.3 变频恒压供水方案分析 3
1.4 本课题主要内容 3
第二章 供水系统的规模计算 5
第三章 供水系统的硬件设计 6
3.1 PLC接线原理及相关选型 6
3.1.1 PLC的IO端子统计 6
3.1.2 PLC及相关模块选型 9
3.1.3 PLC的通信原理 9
3.1.4触摸屏和交换机的选型 10
3.2 供水管网设备的作用及选型 11
3.2.1 水泵的工作原理 11
3.2.2 水泵的选型 11
3.2.3 电动蝶阀及流量计接线原理 12 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
3.2.4 电动蝶阀和流量计的选型 13
3.3 变频器部分电路设计及相关选型 14
3.3.1 变频器的电路设计 15
3.3.2 变频器的选型 17
3.3.3 变频器部分相关设备作用 17
3.3.4 隔离器和中间继电器的选型 18
3.4 数据采集部分电路设计及选型 18
3.4.1 水压信号采集 18
3.4.2 压力传感器的选型 19
3.4.3 电流信号的采集 20
3.4.4 多功能电表和电流互感器的选型 21
3.5 系统电源部分电路设计及选型 21
3.5.1 设备电源部分电路设计 22
3.5.2 电源设备相关选型 23
3.6 电气柜的设计及相关选型 25
3.6.1 端子排接线原理及选型 25
3.6.2 柜内其余硬件的选型 26
3.6.3 电气柜的设计 26
3.7 供水系统电路设计 28 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
第四章 系统的软件设计 30
4.1 系统输入输出量的地址分配表 30
4.2 水泵控制过程分析 32
4.3 PLC程序 32
4.3.1 供水控制系统 32
4.3.2 PID控制 34
4.3.3 数据采集 35
4.3.4 报警处理 36
4.3.5 水泵启动 37
4.3.6 水泵变频运行及增减泵 38
4.4 HMI组态设计 39
4.4.1根画面建立 40
4.4.2 自动画面 40
4.4.3 手动画面 42
参考文献 44
附录A 变频恒压供水系统PLC程序 48
附录B 组态画面 55 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]